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Atkins Diet

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  • Atkins Diet

    I stopped smoking about 10 weeks ago and to my HORROR I have put about 3 Stone on!

    I am a FAT PIG and feel very uncomfortable!

    I want to start running and training for a marathon again so I am contemplating Atkins.

    Has anyone ever done it successfully?


  • #2
    one of my boys,schoolmates mum did it...

    but it made her breath smell like a bag lady's womba
    Non intercooled nothing.


    • #3
      ' You've arrived on a rather special night. It's one of the master's affairs.'


      • #4

        Did she lose any weight though?

        I heard if it was carefully controlled then it can be VERY successful!


        • #5
          i did
          funny thing was, even though i love meat, after about a month i was sick at the site of it and i remember really missing some things. I stopped as there was some real negative publicity surrounding it at the time. It did work however.
          私のホバークラフト は鰻が一杯です。


          • #6
            diets are tailored really for male/female.
            with atkins its all protein,no carbs fat,sugar etc.you would do better with one of those diets where you have red and green days, with "sins".
            try slimming world.....mrs gwh put me on a slimming world diet and it was ace...........some days you could eat as much " designated stuff" as you could shovel in your face. it also gives you some balance,with atkins its easy to put all the weight back on.
            Non intercooled nothing.


            • #7
              A workmate of mine lost 6 stone in just over a year on it, he got sick of it, stopped and put 8 stone back on!

              Eat proper, organic, healthy food, lay off the beer, don't eat sweeties and chrisps, stay clear of processed anything, don't eat ready meals and excersise more.

              Diets rarely work in the long term.
              Do you know that, with a 50 character limit, it's


              • #8
                Originally posted by Albannach View Post
                A workmate of mine lost 6 stone in just over a year on it, he got sick of it, stopped and put 8 stone back on!

                Eat proper, organic, healthy food, lay off the beer, don't eat sweeties and chrisps, stay clear of processed anything, don't eat ready meals and excersise more.

                Diets rarely work in the long term.
                thats one of the main things. if you keep your food " homemade" you would be surprised how much weight you can shed.i used to eat pies and pasties and crisps etc all the time. i now (about 90% of the time) try to eat all home made.....................and im still afat git, but if it was all processed stuff i would be a bout 30 stone.
                Non intercooled nothing.


                • #9
                  eat and drink as much as you like, but just kick the sh1t out of the exercise mate. once you start becoming fitter (regardless of weight) it'll come off easier and you'll naturally lower your intake of crappy foods. thats what i do.
                  i swear, it was like that when i got here...


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by hellmett View Post
                    I stopped smoking about 10 weeks ago and to my HORROR I have put about 3 Stone on!

                    I am a FAT PIG and feel very uncomfortable!

                    I want to start running and training for a marathon again so I am contemplating Atkins.

                    Has anyone ever done it successfully?

                    Hi mate,

                    If you've been using patches stick one over your gob it stops
                    you eating ha ha ha!!!
                    I stopped over 12 months ago but not put any weight on,
                    you had the willpower to stop smoking, use it to stop eating
                    and it will work!!! keep trying. Best of luck

                    If it aint broke, keep goin' till it is.


                    • #11
                      Whats a chrisp and how does anyone know what a bag lady's womba smells like??!!


                      • #12
                        as a proffesional fitness instructor i would advise you keep well away from the atkins plan. The best thing to do is a calorie controlled diet. Take your wieght in pounds and add a 0, this will give you your max daily calorie intake. Working with this and exercise you need to review your wieght weekly, you should notice your weight drop thus your calories intake will do the same. Eat sensible and dont deprive yourself you will be amazed what you can eat and still loose wieght
                        SWIFT AND BOLD


                        • #13
                          As Charvell said, Atkins is best avoided (according to my Harley Street nutritionist friend). It will work, but you would be much better off limiting your carb intake,eating sensibly and exercising more.

                          Incidentally, Colin, I got your PM. Is there a good time to call?


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Sancho View Post
                            As Charvell said, Atkins is best avoided (according to my Harley Street nutritionist friend). It will work, but you would be much better off limiting your carb intake,eating sensibly and exercising more.

                            Incidentally, Colin, I got your PM. Is there a good time to call?
                            Anytime in the morning mate
                            SWIFT AND BOLD


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by hellmett View Post
                              I stopped smoking about 10 weeks ago and to my HORROR I have put about 3 Stone on!

                              I am a FAT PIG and feel very uncomfortable!

                              I want to start running and training for a marathon again so I am contemplating Atkins.

                              Has anyone ever done it successfully?

                              try the wii fit do more ya lazysod
                              get a punch bag
                              do something get a dog if you got one walk it more
                              all this talk about diets and i throught you were a male?
                              atkins works by training your body to run on fat
                              do you know how much damage that will do to your insides
                              iam disabled dylexic 33 year old that cant use my legs back and stomach has well has i should and i train just
                              but iam not has fit has i once was granted lost the 6 pack but only half a stone over weight
                              i cant run or lift but i still train
                              diets are for girls who think they are fat
                              and i will say this to the girls
                              do you realy think all us men like pale sticks with sparrow legs

                              my advise if you want to start running go do it
                              or are you saying your to fat to run
                              no such thing
                              if your able bodyed then cant see ya problem with running
                              but never turn to a diet
                              eat good and healthy
                              atkins diets is not healthy
                              go run mate if you want to but do not try these mad ass diets they DONT WORK
                              will power is all i have buckets full
                              Last edited by JUDWAK; 26 January 2009, 00:39.
                              am not die lex sick its you that cant read mate

