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Hello, new Hilux owner!

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  • Hello, new Hilux owner!

    How doo!

    Thought I would post up as I have been searching and reading info for the past 2 days on these motors before purchasing one yesterday!

    After wanting a cheap, but good value truck, I eventually found the Hilux Surf and decided it was the one for me (and in my budget).

    Will post pics up when i find my camera charger.

    What can I say I am really impressed with it. it is the 2.4 TD model (would have preferred a 3.0 but never mind), and I read they can have head problems, but all seemed well, so fingers crossed! if I do

    end up with problems then so be it, but hopefully worry free driving! (it is a 17 year old car almost after all)

    it isnt very fast, but not really a problem (is the 3.0 much better?)

    Ride is lovely, very comfy, very easy and smooth to drive! Feels like I have owned it 3 years not 1 day which is strange for a new vehicle!

    It is the SSR-X model (what features does this have or not have over other models? would be interesting to know)

    It has wider arches than normal, and some big fat wheels/tyres which I am happy with as it looks meaty!

    Most things seem to work fine, other than the rear window going up, but will look at that tomorrow (i have read info on here how to sort it).

    The brakes seem a bit crap, under breaking they feel like the discs have warped actually, so will get those replaced as soon as!

    I plan to do an oil, filter and coolant change as well next week, but iv checked them all and all look good!

    Pics to follow!


  • #2
    hi ya m8


    • #3
      Welcome to the nuthouse...... beware the squirrel
      ' You've arrived on a rather special night. It's one of the master's affairs.'


      • #4
        Hello there, enjoy your stay.


        • #5
          hi and welcome to the surf emporium of pleasure,
          to answer a few of your questions there were so many toys that the japs could have on the options list thats its hard to find two trucks with the same toys.
          there is a lot of difference in power between the 2.4 and 3.0ltr the 3.oltr would of been the better option but needs must,just make sure your cooling system is in tip top condition if unsure re new the coolant,and burp the system do a search on here for info. as for the brakes sounds like you have warped discs there not to bad to change.


          • #6
            welcome dude
            am not die lex sick its you that cant read mate


            • #7
              Welcome Craig, you'll find all the info ya need within these pages, burping em can be a pain but with a small mod it's made much easier, you'll see the mod during your searches, as stien says the 3 is much better but haveing said that the 2,4's aint as bad as their painted, people only post the problems on here and and ya could be forgiven for thinking the whole lot are nowt but a pain in the arse, plenty of trouble free 2,4 drivers tho, good maintainance is the key and allow yourself 20 minuits to access the motorway
              Too young to die and too old to give a toss


              • #8
                welcome to the forum matey....

                Now go looking for that charger as we want pictures....
                One day at the time I guess..


                • #9
                  Welcome,from a fellow noob, and beware the squirrel!

                  Whatever that means.......


                  • #10
                    Welcome mate.

                    A few tips to get you started.

                    1, If you are unsure about anything to do with your truck " espcially the cooling system" do a search & if you can't find what your looking for "ASK". Some of the people on here know surfs inside out, & what they don't know is'nt worth knowing.

                    2, As biohazard said "beware the squirrel".

                    3, Enjoy the banter.

                    If its not broke don't fix it.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Fricfrac View Post
                      Welcome,from a fellow noob, and beware the squirrel!

                      Whatever that means.......
                      Means UD Trev's a nutter
                      Too young to die and too old to give a toss


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by POPEYE View Post
                        Means UD Trev's a nutter
                        Thats it spoil the fun
                        ' You've arrived on a rather special night. It's one of the master's affairs.'


                        • #13
                          Ah.....all becomes clear...


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Fricfrac View Post
                            Ah.....all becomes clear...

                            Our idiot finder general.....

                            Last edited by BioHazard; 16 January 2009, 21:22.
                            ' You've arrived on a rather special night. It's one of the master's affairs.'


                            • #15
                              HAHA wow thanks for all the replies!!

                              I am looking forward to sorting the brakes, I have read loads on here about the few bits and bobs I want to tackle, so should be easy enough!

                              The power isnt that bad with it, I am only driving with a light foot, and it seems to go OK. was cruising at 70mph on the motorway earlier with ease which is enough for me! I have a audi tt powered clio and an integra type R for going quickly!

                              3.0 would have been nice but ill be reet...if anything does go on the engine, would be a good excuse to stick a 3.0 in it!! haha!

