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'Twas the night before Christmas

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  • 'Twas the night before Christmas

    And I stayed in, so as to avoid all the a**eholes that cause trouble.
    So at about 2am this morning there was a loud banging on my front door, and I thought it was my Mother and Aunt back late after midnight mass, and forgot their key.

    So I'm a bit sleepy, and had some beers too, I open the door....................to be confronted by this bloke telling me he'cold......WTF?

    I said " I don't care mate, who the f**k are you?"

    He said he was cold again then tried to get through the door, I put my hand on his chest and said " I don't care how cold you are, get the f**k out of my face!"

    He was a bit shorter than mee, but much heavier, and just barged me out of the way, and got in the house.

    He was either p155ed or drugged or both, and my daughter had come down the stairs to see what the commotion was.

    At this point I lost all reason, I got hold of this rude f**ker and we had a bit of a scap in my hall, He ened up outside on his back with that sickening thud when his skull hit the floor.

    This didn't see to slow him down, and he started to get up again, so I shut the door and called the police, told my daughter to get upstairs.
    Whilst on the phone I saw movement out side, so I gave details to the officer on the phone and went back outside ( against her advice, but I was so pumped, I was gonna kill this f**ker)

    When I got outsde I found a police dog handler in my front garden, and another unit arriving, and no sign of the bloke.Someone else down the road had called the police, as he had tried to get into their house a few minutes earlier.

    We had a quick look around, and then noticed the rear quaterlight of my Ex's car was broken.
    This guy was in the back seat, laying down, the police did there job, and he's now in custody.
    Autoglass came out this morning to repair the window, and I've been making statements to the DC that came round.

    Didn't get much sleep coz I as so hyper, but damn, it's a bugger when trouble comes knocking on your door!

    Still working for the man!

  • #2
    d@mn mate sounds like u are having a great time lately...

    hope u ok mate and have a nice xmas after all....
    One day at the time I guess..


    • #3
      Yeah, I didnt come off too bad, just a graze or two, nt like Vagrant, read his thread, that's bad luck at this time of year ( or anyime actually)

      The DC said he's been complaining about pain in his ribs, I dont, remember punching him there, but I was out Of control, scared myself, thought I was gonna end up in a cell too.

      But I'm mending.
      Last edited by plumb bob; 25 December 2008, 15:48.

      Still working for the man!


      • #4
        Originally posted by plumb bob View Post
        Yeah, I didnt come off too bad, just a graze or two, nt like Vagrant, read his thread, that's bad luck at this time of year ( or anyime actually)

        But I'm mending.
        good on ya bob
        iam hope he feels the pain this morning that t1t head that came knocking at ya door
        dude thats shocking matey it realy is a weirdo turning up like that
        had something simmular happen but not like that mate
        am not die lex sick its you that cant read mate


        • #5
          The dog handler said he considered me to be within my rights to protect my home and family for what I did, if I had gone back out, tooled up, which was my next move, I may have overstepped the bounds of self defence, but all's well that ends well, I just gotta wait to see if I gotta go to court to give evidence.

          Still working for the man!


          • #6
            Originally posted by plumb bob View Post
            The dog handler said he considered me to be within my rights to protect my home and family for what I did, if I had gone back out, tooled up, which was my next move, I may have overstepped the bounds of self defence, but all's well that ends well, I just gotta wait to see if I gotta go to court to give evidence.
            yeh lucky that u stayed within the bounds...
            glad ur ok mate.....
            One day at the time I guess..


            • #7
              Originally posted by plumb bob View Post
              The dog handler said he considered me to be within my rights to protect my home and family for what I did, if I had gone back out, tooled up, which was my next move, I may have overstepped the bounds of self defence, but all's well that ends well, I just gotta wait to see if I gotta go to court to give evidence.

              i already over steped that mark once before
              its not nice defending your self its ok to a piont but one moment its defence the next your the criminal
              am not die lex sick its you that cant read mate


              • #8
                You are allowed to use reasonable force to defend yourself, but as far as I'm aware you shouldn't kick a man when he's down, that can be considered going beyond the mark.
                If they are tooled up, you can defend yourself in the same manner, but if you knock them down, you shouldn't follow up unless they become aggressive towards you again.
                That's how I read it, but it's difficult to stop when your family may be at stake, you do whatever is required to protect them.

                Still working for the man!


                • #9
                  i think if you were preparing veg and stabbed someone with the knife you just happened to have in your hand then you'd get away with it... but if you went to the shed and got a pick axe to batter them then it's murder!
                  nee nar nee nar, i'm a fire engine!


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by da SLUG man View Post
                    i think if you were preparing veg and stabbed someone with the knife you just happened to have in your hand then you'd get away with it... but if you went to the shed and got a pick axe to batter them then it's murder!
                    Yes, but the pick axe handle was my next move, I just saw a glimpse of reason at the last minute, I guess that's what makes me different from the random scum (I hope)

                    Still working for the man!


                    • #11
                      damn rob the man was coldwheres the xmas spirit ???

                      should have thrown some oil on him then lit it
                      allways like to help people at xmas
                      Only Toyota can get you out of shite


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by joker?? View Post
                        damn rob the man was coldwheres the xmas spirit ???

                        should have thrown some oil on him then lit it
                        allways like to help people at xmas

                        Year I thought about all the Xmas spirit stuff, but he just started out on the wrong foot, and I get grumpy when I'm woken up in he early hours.

                        Still working for the man!


                        • #13
                          Sounds like he'd had too much christmas spirit. we did'nt even get a carol singer, i feel a bit left out, only highlight was the chav tw@t scroat ponce boy racer accross the road backed into my sons girlfriends car christmas evening, first time i've actually felt sorry for him. looked like he was about to break down and cry, he's only got 3rd party f&T on his pug so he's in for some deep pocket delveing,
                          Too young to die and too old to give a toss

