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Steering Recall update

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  • Steering Recall update

    Just received my recall conformation notice (Recorded) from Toyota Warranty Manager, Yippee... It's Christmas !!
    [Quote] We thank you in anticipation of your co-operation & apologize for any inconvenience caused [Quote]
    I'm gonna leave it till after crimbo before I call my Toyota Center ... so I'll report back in the New Year n after the recall's been carried out ...

    There's always a Payback .... Just don't expect any warning !!!!
    Buncefield Burner

  • #2
    Snap !!! I got mine this morning too, and a call from Toyota to verify that I received the letter.
    Within 1/2hr I got a call from my local Dealers to book it in, it's going in on Jan 2nd, they have offered me a courtesey car too, I was a bit cheeky and asked if I could try out one of those hybrid things, the chap said he would try and reserve one for me.
    Talk about service, I'm very impressed so far.
    Have a good festive season all.
    Regards, John.


    • #3
      Might try the Cheeky bit n ask to trial the New HILUX n go play in some MUD

      There's always a Payback .... Just don't expect any warning !!!!
      Buncefield Burner


      • #4
        My recorded conf. came thru' this morn too - just 2 weeks after my contacting Toyota UK. Pretty impressive turn around I reccon.


        • #5
          Just as an additional bit of info, I've got mine in today and the service dept have requested that I send them a copy of my letter from Toyota and a copy of my V5.
          They say that this is because of the 'extensive modifications' (LC Springs, BJ Spacers, 1.5 inch body lift, 33" tyres) they are not sure if they can do the work.
          I have explained to them that I am aware of plenty of others who have had it done etc. etc.

          Just so you know if you are getting it down its worth copying all these and putting them in with the Surf when you take it in.

          I couldn’t take it in myself today and my sister (Die hard Nissan Micra driver) was meant to be taking it in for me this morning. She bottled it last night so instead I had to drive it over there at 10pm last night, leave it parked outside the stealership and my sister then had to drive back this morning with the keys and ask one of them to drive it round to the workshop.

          Did look quite funny as we left last night though as the only space was slap bang in the middle of the dealership forecourt so amongst all the nice shiney new Toyotas stood my 2m tall, muddy, dented Surf. Made me smile. Good advert for what they can do I thought


          • #6
            Thanks for the tip Paul, don't think I gotta worry tho ....
            Not heard anything from my stealer yet .... just aswell really as I'm too busy this week.
            I'll Gee em up next week !!

            There's always a Payback .... Just don't expect a warning !!!!
            Buncefield Burner


            • #7
              Well, heard from my stealer today n It's booked in for next week n Yes I did ask if I could have a trial Demo in the New Surf Pickup ....
              It's looking good for a trial unless there's any last minute hickup !!!!

              There's always a Payback .... Just don't expect a warning !!!!
              Buncefield Burner


              • #8
                Took mine in to Jemca Kingston last Wed, told it would be done by next day. On Thurs they told me I needed the V5- I told them I couldnt get it to them due to work and could fax. Fax no good they said, need the original for 'warrantly reasons' so had to pick up on Sat (needed it to pick something up) without the work being done.

                'Its been cleaned for you' they said. Still had lots of mud on it when I collected.
                Guy drove it round for me to take away, I got in and found 4wd was engaged. Went and had words about exactly why this was and was told 'I don't know, it doesnt matter anyway its only a short distance' Explained about using non perm 4wd vehicles on tarmac to the dim witted 'assistant' who didnt believe me.

                Fiddling tw@s

                Complaint winged its way to Toyota today..


                • #9
                  Since we're hopefully getting our grubby hands on a Surf soon, does this recall apply to all vehicles? 2nd gen? What's it for?

                  ps - Diezel Weazel, do you type the payback sentence at the bottom of each post each time?


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by adpsimpson View Post
                    Since we're hopefully getting our grubby hands on a Surf soon, does this recall apply to all vehicles? 2nd gen? What's it for?

                    ps - Diezel Weazel, do you type the payback sentence at the bottom of each post each time?
                    Yes this recall applies to all Imported Trucks as far as I know (there are more informed people than me on the Forum) there is more info...can't remember where atmo ...
                    Do a search for "Steering Recall"

                    I do retype or copy n paste as appropriate...
                    Ya can set it up in ya Profile, as in "Buncefield Burner"
                    Hope this helps

                    There's always a Payback .... Just don't expect a Warning !!!!
                    Buncefield Burner


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by biosurf View Post
                      Took mine in to Jemca Kingston last Wed, told it would be done by next day. On Thurs they told me I needed the V5- I told them I couldnt get it to them due to work and could fax. Fax no good they said, need the original for 'warrantly reasons' so had to pick up on Sat (needed it to pick something up) without the work being done.

                      'Its been cleaned for you' they said. Still had lots of mud on it when I collected.
                      Guy drove it round for me to take away, I got in and found 4wd was engaged. Went and had words about exactly why this was and was told 'I don't know, it doesnt matter anyway its only a short distance' Explained about using non perm 4wd vehicles on tarmac to the dim witted 'assistant' who didnt believe me.

                      Fiddling tw@s

                      Complaint winged its way to Toyota today..
                      Thats exactly why i hate leaveing the truck at mot etc, ya just dont know what the buggers get up to when you aint there, i always imageine em raggin the $hit out of it, last mot place i used was ok tho, i was near the truck all the time and the lad was a decent sort,
                      guess i'd better get my finger out and sort this recall business out as i've bumped up the sus and fitted bigger tyres, not looking forward to leaveing it there tho, would they not give you the part and you could then do it your self? long as you signed a waver, maybe fill the tank as you'd be saveing em work
                      Too young to die and too old to give a toss


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by POPEYE View Post
                        Thats exactly why i hate leaveing the truck at mot etc, ya just dont know what the buggers get up to when you aint there, i always imageine em raggin the $hit out of it, last mot place i used was ok tho, i was near the truck all the time and the lad was a decent sort,
                        guess i'd better get my finger out and sort this recall business out as i've bumped up the sus and fitted bigger tyres, not looking forward to leaveing it there tho, would they not give you the part and you could then do it your self? long as you signed a waver, maybe fill the tank as you'd be saveing em work
                        That's why I have a small "Post it" stuck on the Speedo reading ....
                        Under no circumstances, "SELECT 4WD ON TARMAC" Thankyou

                        There's always a Payback .... Just don't expect a Warning !!!!
                        Buncefield Burner


                        • #13
                          I'll stick one in there saying DONT TOUCH ANYTHING!! IN FACT DONT EVEN GET IN
                          Too young to die and too old to give a toss


                          • #14
                            Well took my Truck in this morning for the Steering Relay Rod Recall, after an hour, eventually came home in a coutesy car T2 1.0L (that's what they called it) well it ain't my Truck ....
                            At 2pm this afternoon Stealer called saying the relay rod that turned up by "Courier" this morning is damaged n as they had to order a new one for the morning was it a Problem "if I kept the T2 till tommora,I told em no problem ....

                            They then said i could have trial of a New Surf Pickup tommorra ... we'll se what happens !!!!

                            There's always a Payback .... Just don't expect a Warning !!!!
                            Buncefield Burner


                            • #15
                              Does this affect the 3rd gen vehicle as mine is a 1997 model? If so, who do you need to contact at Toyota?

