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Credit Crunch Victim

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  • #16
    Originally posted by mckirdy-services View Post
    Sorry to hear about your job, Hopefully something will come up.

    Its happening everywhere, It seems that every business large and small is suffering many because they cannot access the credit facilities they have always had.

    A lot of banks are insisting on Directors personally guaranteeing the loans, which means putting there home's down as equity. many are obviously not prepared to do that and hence hence have no cash flow.

    Atlas, the static caravan manufacturers have just gone into receivership today, they have been going for donkeys years, I have ordered and paid for a replacement roof hatch from them so I'm going to drive up there tomorrow to pick it up as i don't want to risk not getting it.

    From speaking to friends that own businesses its a lot worse out there than is being shown in the media, and its going to get worse.

    Still we will be in the SH!T by next Xmas,

    Can't argue with you on that one
    When ya stop having fun, Ya start getting old

