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Credit Crunch Victim

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  • Credit Crunch Victim

    condolences to me as 2morrow I will be binned from my job at a housebuilding company. Almost 90 of us are being made to walk the plank. Anyways - more time to finish those little jobs on the surf I suppose. Audio install, soundproofing, spotlights wiring, etc,etc.

  • #2
    Sorry to hear that mate!

    Hope you find something soon.


    • #3
      The housing/Building industry was always going to be the worst hit by the credit crunch, they have been building houses and units like there is no tomorrow, sorry to here about your loss, the biggest problem is when you have all that time to get things done you don't have the money to do anything.
      When ya stop having fun, Ya start getting old


      • #4
        My condolences too mate.

        There is a new estate of 700 or so houses planned for the land next to where I work. They built about 30, and stopped! The site is now a huge field of mud for the forseeable future.

        TBH though, before they started, local people were wondering where the 800 families were going to come from. Speculation by greedy developers, pure and simple. Now they're being hit, they are passing on the woe to the people working on the site.
        Cutting steps in the roof of the world


        • #5
          feel for ya dude
          most my mates are out of work
          most of em do site work but there nothing happening anywere work wise
          many people suffering this crunch
          even the imagants are ilegaly getting out of the uk
          theres about 18000 a mounth court brakeing out of the uk mostly the same way they broke in
          am not die lex sick its you that cant read mate


          • #6
            Bummer chap ........Lurch and myself are waiting for the dates now , all we know is some time march + next year
            ' You've arrived on a rather special night. It's one of the master's affairs.'


            • #7
              Sorry to hear that. I'm in housebuilding myself (greedy developer) and it's gone a bit quiet, but I mostly work for housing associations and there's more poor people than ever needing homes so we're holding it together for now, until the money runs out.

              The only thing I'd say in defence of the spec builders is that the government's been telling us we "need x thousand new homes in the next ten years" for a long time and have driven us down this road.


              • #8
                Arse, I know how you feel matey. It's as if someone's cut the phone line for us in the marine biz around these parts. One job in the last month & nothin' on the horizon.


                • #9
                  our concrete mixers haven't moved for 6 months or more!...

                  there's loads of work going on in town, with a new cinema and new shopping centre... but the concrete companies are so quiet, they're using their own drivers from plants that are miles away!!

                  trouble is, the lease on the mixers is costing so much that it's dragging down the rest of the company, which is fairly quiet anyway!
                  nee nar nee nar, i'm a fire engine!


                  • #10

                    Condolences buddy!

                    I got made redundant from a 40k a year + perks etc. job at xmas 2003.

                    Lost the house and basically everything!

                    It is a hard blow and it will effect your pride a lot more than you will realise.

                    I ended up very depressed and I couldn't shake the feeling of "betrayal" out of my mind.

                    Best thing that ever happened to me!

                    I swore then that I would never rely on anyone for a job!

                    I never want to be "employed" again!

                    Trained as a PC repair bod and now I make money for myself!

                    Good luck mate, main thing is NOT to take it personally!

                    I read somewhere that 1,000's of people a week are losing homes and jobs etc.



                    • #11
                      Originally posted by hellmett View Post
                      Trained as a PC repair bod and now I make money for myself!
                      where did you do the training?
                      there are no funded training courses for jobs that i'd like... and the paid courses are usually run by some "middle man" company!
                      nee nar nee nar, i'm a fire engine!


                      • #12

                        I trained myself mate.

                        Got a load of books and ebooks etc. and sat down and read them.

                        Got a few old PC's and stripped them.

                        Started fixing friends and family!


                        Any problem I struggled with I googled it!

                        Eventually went and put ads in the local rags and yellow pages.

                        Last thing I did was saved up, went on a boot camp to get my Microsoft Certs.

                        M.C.P. (Microsoft Certified Professional)
                        M.C.T.S (Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist)
                        M.C.I.T.P (Microsoft Certified IT Professional)
                        M.C.S.A (Microsoft Certified Server Administrator)

                        The boot camp was really a waste of money, I have all I need to pass the exams on my PC here at home. (pity I didn't know it sooner).

                        Will continue to devote all my talents to the HOME/SMALL BUSINESS sector.

                        Like it better!


                        PS If you are interested I can sent you a LOT of study material and instruction on how to pass the exams.

                        99.9% of PC problems are caused by the OS/Software, if you know the OS you can repair any PC/system!
                        Last edited by hellmett; 18 December 2008, 16:59.


                        • #13
                          Sorry to hear about your job, Hopefully something will come up.

                          Its happening everywhere, It seems that every business large and small is suffering many because they cannot access the credit facilities they have always had.

                          A lot of banks are insisting on Directors personally guaranteeing the loans, which means putting there home's down as equity. many are obviously not prepared to do that and hence hence have no cash flow.

                          Atlas, the static caravan manufacturers have just gone into receivership today, they have been going for donkeys years, I have ordered and paid for a replacement roof hatch from them so I'm going to drive up there tomorrow to pick it up as i don't want to risk not getting it.

                          From speaking to friends that own businesses its a lot worse out there than is being shown in the media, and its going to get worse.

                          Still we will be in the euro by next Xmas,
                          Last edited by mckirdy-services; 18 December 2008, 19:34.
                          If it can be broken it can be fixed


                          • #14
                            Cheers for the kind words fellas -

                            the only thing allowing me to sleep at was the fact that I took some income protection insurance about 6 months ago. Just hope they don't try to weasel out of paying up when I need to claim. Fortunately, we don't have any debt, (we rent, so no mortgage/negative equity either).The 1500squid p/m insurance payout is alot less than I used to earn but will cover the essentials.

                            Lots of folks out there alot worse off.......

                            Will be looking for jobs as of next week but none of my (ex) Architectural Technician colleagues who have been looking for weeks have found anything.

                            I have never been unemployed before - only been 1 day and already miss work.

                            BTW - just noticed the time: HAPPY B/DAY to ME!! 33y/old today.


                            • #15
                              May Happy Returns, hope the birthday signals a fresh start for you!

                              www.amcbs.webeden.co.uk www.xjrestorations.co.uk

