Finally got my winch wired up yesterday.
All connected fine and with a bit of tweaking fitted the solenoid pack in the engine bay with extended cables.
I've got one of the cheap fleabay numbers like the one attached:
I cant get the clutch knob to rotate to the 'engaged' setting (i.e. pointing towards the front of the surf) it will rotate to the 'free spool' position but then will only move half way (45 degrees) around.
When at free spool I cant pull the cable off the drum.
The motor all runs fine in both positions but the cable wont move in or out.
when the numpty guy who fitted it for me fitted it he missed the fact that the clutch knob would have to move out in front of the bumper so he had to grind the top of the knob off so it was free to move but I dont see that this should have stopped it moving around to the engaged position?
Am I being thick or is it fubarred?
All connected fine and with a bit of tweaking fitted the solenoid pack in the engine bay with extended cables.
I've got one of the cheap fleabay numbers like the one attached:
I cant get the clutch knob to rotate to the 'engaged' setting (i.e. pointing towards the front of the surf) it will rotate to the 'free spool' position but then will only move half way (45 degrees) around.
When at free spool I cant pull the cable off the drum.
The motor all runs fine in both positions but the cable wont move in or out.
when the numpty guy who fitted it for me fitted it he missed the fact that the clutch knob would have to move out in front of the bumper so he had to grind the top of the knob off so it was free to move but I dont see that this should have stopped it moving around to the engaged position?
Am I being thick or is it fubarred?