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Lincs landy'

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  • #31
    Originally posted by PDR View Post
    Adds fuel to the argument that 4x4 drivers are aggressive bullies who think everyone should get out of their way just because they drive an intimidating vehicle. Unfortunately it looks as though he found out too late that white van drivers are not easily intimidated.

    Very sad.
    I can't believe your hypocrisy. As already pointed out, you fitted a bull bar that is totally unnecessary and will kill any child you hit, but sit there in your ivory "I've been to Africa you know" tower taking cheap shots at a guy who's lost his family. Unbelievable.


    • #32
      Originally posted by Albannach View Post
      As I continually say, I don't mind if idiots like him kill themselves, it's the innocents that I worry about. This particular idiot killed 4 innocents and survived, I hope he never sleeps again.

      And some of you should learn a lesson too, he thought he was competant...
      cant believe this, the trial has just started and you have found him guilty of killing half his family already.how do you think the man feels at this time of year with the loss of his children.


      • #33
        am with Lucan an sancho on this one, we all do the odd silly thing every now an then wilst driving, even tho 99% of the time your sensible, this just may have been one of those times, an he was unclucky. I wouldnt be too quick to believe everythin u read in the papers... He may of been silly, but the dude just lost 4 very big parts of his life ...


        • #34
          I agree. If someone has through some clear misadventure caused harm to others then I would condemn them for sure. However as we all take part in a hobby/pastime that is at risk of having specific bits of it banned (mods, access etc.) then we should really show a modicum of solidarity.

          Condemning a situation before trial and taking on face value the reports of a media that in other instances of anti 4x4 reporting we choose to disbelieve is yet another way to help to anti 4x4 groups (and almost more importantly the wider majority of not active anti 4x4 members of the public but those who are indifferent and would agree to remove anything they perceive to be any kind of threat particuarly when that threat is corroborated by the views of someone they know who has a similar vehicle for instance) slowly chip away at our chance to enjoy our hobby.

          Yes, we should all ensure that all modifications undertaken are done competantly whether personally or 'professionally' carried out. We should always drive appropriately to the situation taking into account the driving conditions, condition of vehicle including all modifications, age and marque related foibles, our own competance and tiredness etc. and all the other thousand variables. This applies to any vehicle at any time. Anyone who doesn't do this is negligent in their way. On this, as a passenger give me a driver in a 4x4 with muds and a 10" lift and half a ton of kit on the roof who takes all the above into account over a driver in a brand new Nissan Micra who doesnt and I know who I would feel safer with.

          Not saying if the guy was right or wrong but if enough of the 4x4 community condemn a fellow enthusiast without all the facts we are taking another step towards only being able to drive factory spec vehicles on tarmac.


          • #35
            Originally posted by Sancho View Post
            I can't believe your hypocrisy. As already pointed out, you fitted a bull bar that is totally unnecessary and will kill any child you hit, but sit there in your ivory "I've been to Africa you know" tower taking cheap shots at a guy who's lost his family. Unbelievable.
            Whoa, hang on there a moment, You yourself said “It sounds to me like the major contributor to this accident was the fact that he was doing 60mph down a river bank. Modifications may not have helped, but driving the most appropriate vehicle down a bank at sixty and swerving around a van would still have ended up with him in the river. Still his fault, but not for the reasons that are being bandied about.”

            I’ve just found some more information: http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/new...cle5308760.ece
            So it looks like he could have been run off the road but at the same time he was probably going too fast? Based upon this article, I will agree that some of my previous comments where unfair.

            As regards my fitting a Bull Bar, well they where an optional extra on 2nd Gens and there are plenty still about. I fitted one mainly as extra protection from other drivers who cut you up. As regards hitting children, I don’t speed in my truck and I always drive slowly around residential areas and near schools so the effects of the bull bar are going to be negligible. What about winches that are fitted just in case they are needed off road? Hit someone with one of those and it’s going to hurt just as much as any Bull Bar, probably more!

            I apologize if I come across as an arrogant, self-opinionated t**t... I’m really not
            Mine WAS a 150 bhp V6 and ran on PETROL


            • #36
              What happened to the white van that allegedly ran him off the road? Has the driver been traced and prosecuted?
              Do you know that, with a 50 character limit, it's


              • #37
                Personally I don't know him or of his abilities, Clearly he has time to reflect on events and must be at a low ebb....dreadfull

                My points launching this thread:

                We may have all carried out modifications/jobs from time to time
                which, when you take a good hard look at them it occurs you might have done a better job.

                Personally I've stood in many a cold quarry on a weekend watching
                'modified vehicles' in action
                if they arrive there on a trailer thats one thing,
                But I think if you saw someone roll up with a road-legal vehicle,
                on crap brakes & mis-matched components (on same axle) with some child seats on view you might not approach him to work on your car would you?

                brakes/calipers/ill-secured seating are facts, so far released BTW


                • #38
                  Well, he was found guilty. As I mentioned above, something (not sure what, some kind of bracket) snapped as he mounted the verge and the rear axle went skewiff. It had broken two weeks before and he'd bodged it. Very sad.


                  • #39

                    Any idea what kind of sentance he'll be facing?


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by RodLeach View Post

                      Any idea what kind of sentance he'll be facing?
                      Hopefully a very long one.

                      I asked this before, but didn't get a reply. Sancho said the guy cited a van driver as causing him to leave the road as the driver refused to yield. Was this driver traced and prosecuted or was the LR driver trying to pass the buck?
                      Do you know that, with a 50 character limit, it's


                      • #41
                        I don't think he was forced off the road so much as he had to pull over to get his wheels up on the verge in order to pass. I imagine the van did a similar thing in all honesty. When the wheels went up on the verge, something let go and span him around so that he drove into the river. No idea about whether they traced the van though. Not reported as far as I know.


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by Sancho View Post
                          I don't think he was forced off the road so much as he had to pull over to get his wheels up on the verge in order to pass. I imagine the van did a similar thing in all honesty. When the wheels went up on the verge, something let go and span him around so that he drove into the river. No idea about whether they traced the van though. Not reported as far as I know.
                          I'd immagine if plod thought the van was a contributory factor they'd have tried to trace it? I wonder if the driver even knows what happened?
                          Do you know that, with a 50 character limit, it's

