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Lincs landy'

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  • Lincs landy'

    A hard lesson learned for this poor bloke,

    Was reported and shown earlier on TV this evening, the cops reconstructed his vehicle and put it to the test through some cones at speed and it was (TBH) all over the place.

    I read elsewhere he'd fitted calipers of differing sizes on front axle, which was avoidable, other efforts included insecure seating and non-existent brakes.

    Do we all though inform insurance of mods carried out, knowing their fondness for wriggling out from under, when things go wrong

  • #2
    Ye saw it on the news, poor kids, total waste of life.
    If its not broke don't fix it.


    • #3
      nee nar nee nar, i'm a fire engine!


      • #4
        This sort of occasion always reminds me at least of the odd little jobs that I really should complete, although nothing hopefully along his lines.

        I wonder how long it took plod to go after his MOT tester.

        That lot are a law unto themselves and seem utterly without a consistent judgement in their work


        • #5
          if we had his Reg, couldn't we look up his last MOT and advises?


          • #6
            hate to say it, but the footage of it through the cones i thought it dealt with pretty well, it stopped on a dime and dead straight too in the brake test they showed on TV. A quick glance and it looks like a tidty vehicle, though obviously i've not seen anymore than the pictures from the news. Tragic loss yes, were the modifications to blame or was the fella driving beyond his vehicles capabilities? or was it just a tragic accident? who knows?

            [Waits with baited breath for the next crackdown on modified vehicles]
            =SOLD UP!=


            • #7
              Only Toyota can get you out of shite


              • #8
                As I continually say, I don't mind if idiots like him kill themselves, it's the innocents that I worry about. This particular idiot killed 4 innocents and survived, I hope he never sleeps again.

                And some of you should learn a lesson too, he thought he was competant...
                Do you know that, with a 50 character limit, it's


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Albannach View Post
                  As I continually say, I don't mind if idiots like him kill themselves, it's the innocents that I worry about. This particular idiot killed 4 innocents and survived, I hope he never sleeps again.

                  And some of you should learn a lesson too, he thought he was competant...

                  thats why i got a mechanic to do my brakes ,ps did change the drums myself sunday
                  Only Toyota can get you out of shite


                  • #10
                    Probably shouldn't get too melodramatic and judgemental about this folks.

                    I remember when it happened, there was conjecture that he'd driven onto the (extreme sloped) bank in order to pass something and basically slid / rolled into the water.

                    You all know of course that wet grass is a bigger problem than mud holes in terms of traction dont you?

                    You all also know that your vehicle will have a maximum roll angle before it tips over?

                    The media LOVE things like this - nail a scapegoat to the wall - but the fact is that the modifications he's made to his vehicle may not have contributed to the accident. I'm absolutely sure that the guy's life IS a living hell already. he is, either through fluke, misjudgement or stupidity, responsible for the death of his family.

                    But, none of us here have ever made misjudgements or acted stupidly - have we?
                    Cutting steps in the roof of the world


                    • #11
                      I can just imagine the guy thought he was invincible, driving a big 4x4 with a roll cage, bucket seats, harness, extra lights, winch etc. but he overlooked the most basic requirement for adapting or preparing a vehicle for off road use and that is to make sure the vehicle is structurally and mechanically sound in the first place.

                      He should also have taken into consideration that a 2 ton plus LWB Land Rover is not agile and to drive at those speeds and conditions was leathal.
                      Mine WAS a 150 bhp V6 and ran on PETROL


                      • #12
                        I feel all dilemmified.

                        Part of me wants to wade in self righteousness about people who think they know what they're doing making modifications without being automotive engineers.

                        Most of me wants to sympathise with a guy who made one mistake and has killed half of his family.

                        It sounds to me like the major contributor to this accident was the fact that he was doing 60mph down a river bank. Modifications may not have helped, but driving the most appropriate vehicle down a bank at sixty and swerving around a van would still have ended up with him in the river. Still his fault, but not for the reasons that are being bandied about.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Sancho View Post
                          I feel all dilemmified.

                          Part of me wants to wade in self righteousness about people who think they know what they're doing making modifications without being automotive engineers.

                          Most of me wants to sympathise with a guy who made one mistake and has killed half of his family.

                          It sounds to me like the major contributor to this accident was the fact that he was doing 60mph down a river bank. Modifications may not have helped, but driving the most appropriate vehicle down a bank at sixty and swerving around a van would still have ended up with him in the river. Still his fault, but not for the reasons that are being bandied about.
                          I was just about to write pretty much exactly that. I dont know whether to thank you for saving me time or feel cheated

                          I wouldn't however have used 'dilemiffied' for which I take my hat off to you.


                          WHAT HE SAID!!


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Albannach View Post
                            he thought he was competant...
                            Originally posted by joker?? View Post
                            thats why i got a mechanic to do my brakes ,ps did change the drums myself sunday
                            This guy is a mechanic

                            Сви можемо


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Bogus View Post
                              This guy is a mechanic

                              Doesn't make him competant.

                              He fitted different sized front calipers ffs!
                              Do you know that, with a 50 character limit, it's

