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Twin electrics power from battery

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  • Twin electrics power from battery

    I have been advised i should not run the power from the battery under the truck to the tow bar but instead run it inside the truck.

    other than damaging the cable is there any other reason? if it was fully sleeved and above the chaise would there be any problems? just seams much easier to run it under the truck than taking lots of trim off inside to run it.

    I want to fit some rear working lights etc so will need to run a thicker cable.
    If it can be broken it can be fixed

  • #2
    Originally posted by mckirdy-services View Post
    I have been advised i should not run the power from the battery under the truck to the tow bar but instead run it inside the truck.

    other than damaging the cable is there any other reason? if it was fully sleeved and above the chaise would there be any problems? just seams much easier to run it under the truck than taking lots of trim off inside to run it.

    I want to fit some rear working lights etc so will need to run a thicker cable.
    in the truck is much nicer etc etc....
    I had my twin cable running under the truck and never had a problem....
    The red one only has single....

    So yeh if u can't be bothered doing it proper don't worrie lol just run it underneath never hurt my truck....
    One day at the time I guess..


    • #3
      you would be suprised how quick u can run the wire inside,to me the extra time is worth the peace of mind


      • #4
        I have 2 cables attached to the chassis from front to back so i can plug in my heavy duty jump leads and also plug in the winch that is attached to my trailer, both have Anderson plugs on. You can't see the cables as it was wax oiled and undersealed immeadiately after running the cables. Not had any problems with it(yet)



        • #5
          As an electrician i would say there would be no problem with running the cable outside the truck, provided it is run in such a way that it will not get damaged or be able to rub, the only other thing is that it should be run in a suitable sheathing the protect it mechanically and to prevent sunlight as this will degrade the insulation, especially where it is seen near the bumper.

          But as previously said there ain't that much trim to remove and it wouldn't take long to run it on the inside, the last AA van i saw had a cable run underneath it to a aux socket at the rear.
          When ya stop having fun, Ya start getting old


          • #6
            I've run quite a few cables inside and outside, along the chassi's fine just fit some split sleeveing on it and make sure it's not gonna get trapped, scuffed etc, well cable tied up and all if fine
            Too young to die and too old to give a toss

