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Nintendo Wii or XBOX 360 Pro

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  • #31
    Originally posted by Scorpion View Post
    So you're having a Wii eh?
    no its just the tap
    Only Toyota can get you out of shite


    • #32
      Originally posted by joker?? View Post
      no its just the tap
      "Good at cracking bones"


      • #33
        Originally posted by RodLeach View Post
        Wii.. great fun for a bit! But after a while it will rarely get any use.

        The games on it are all a bit so-so. Anything thats not just wave the controller around doesn't work so well so theres nothing with any content or story. Graphics are old school chips etc so its very, very poor.

        PS3. More expensive then a 360 premium, pretty much the same games with a few fantastic exclusives. Cross platform titles, Call of duty - Far cry - Fallout 3 all look noticably worse on the PS3.
        Its a HELL of lot harder to make games for so the developers get lazy.

        Graphics on it are some of the best ive ever seen, All apart from Crysis being run on very high on all settings!!

        Xbox 360. Cheaper, Loads and loads of cheap titles, cross platform titles are visually better. Fantastic exclusives like Gears of War!!!

        I've got all of them so im in a pretty decent place to give my opinions!

        Personally its Xbox every time. There all great consoles an each have there moments of being mind blowing! Just the 360 offers the best bang for buck!

        360 an gears of war 2 an fallout 3 would keep a more mature gamer going for hours!!!!
        and how long ago did yr xbox break???


        • #34
          Originally posted by breakdowntruck2 View Post
          sooo much better than xbox in my opinion anyway
          wii= kids family fun
          ps3=ultimate game play and graphics
          xbox= the people very into their computers and like playing against people on the internet
          I totally agree.

          we have ps3 and its amazing!! just got wii and that is hilarious fun.

          i have never played xbox as it doesnt do it for me though.


          • #35
            Originally posted by Scorpion View Post
            Mmmm, might have to double check that info mate. I'm sure I read it wasn't possible yet.
            you certainly can get them chipped.


            • #36
              Originally posted by EvH View Post
              I would love the Wii BUT, it is for Pete & I think he would probably prefer the XBOX...

              No contest xbox, with a years subs to xbox live.


              • #37
                Originally posted by NEZ View Post
                I totally agree.

                we have ps3 and its amazing!! just got wii and that is hilarious fun.

                i have never played xbox as it doesnt do it for me though.

