So gald you got em back ok mate, they look lovely pups, very likely it was an attempt to steel them, theres a big market out there for "breeds" sadly anything than turns a buck will attract scroats like these, we have a padlock on our gate and we never leave him out there unless we are there, a shih-tzu will fetch £300 ish, and i've heard these c###'s steal them and then ransom them back to the owners, even been cases of dogs being taken at knivepoint or dureing a break in, so your right! there are some right b#####ds out there, also some goodun's like the prople that took them in,
ours is haveing his nuts done and micro-chip next month,
Yup! the eyes do it! just know when the little buggers done summat wrong
ours is haveing his nuts done and micro-chip next month,
Yup! the eyes do it! just know when the little buggers done summat wrong
