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There's certainly some ####s out there

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  • #16
    So gald you got em back ok mate, they look lovely pups, very likely it was an attempt to steel them, theres a big market out there for "breeds" sadly anything than turns a buck will attract scroats like these, we have a padlock on our gate and we never leave him out there unless we are there, a shih-tzu will fetch £300 ish, and i've heard these c###'s steal them and then ransom them back to the owners, even been cases of dogs being taken at knivepoint or dureing a break in, so your right! there are some right b#####ds out there, also some goodun's like the prople that took them in,
    ours is haveing his nuts done and micro-chip next month,

    Yup! the eyes do it! just know when the little buggers done summat wrong
    Too young to die and too old to give a toss


    • #17
      What unusual and beautiful looking dogs, never seen anything like them. Just stunning.

      Keep them locked up indoors I'd say, just let them out when you're there. Others are right, there's such a market now sadly.. for stealing and selling on dogs. You must have been so worried. What stupid idiot would even try to open your gates anyway? It doesn't make sense does it?

      Glad you got them back safe and sound, be extra loving to them.

      I have whippets and one of mine got sick this week - turns out she's got that awful thing that more and more dogs are picking up here, it's especially rampant in Wales apparently - it's lung worm. Awful damn thing, they pick it up from eating grass, or chewing on snails - as they are carriers. It gets into the lungs and if it crosses the pulmonary artery to the heart can cause suddend death. It's horrible, my little one has been wheezing and sort of choking with it.. got treatment going now, so hopefully she'll be fine, but lost at least one night's sleep worrying and watching over her.

      Take it easy,
      Love me Love my Surf!


      • #18
        Glad you got them back safe an sound - they really are stunning dogs.
        How can I be lost when I've got no where to go


        • #19
          i have made it known locally now that there was an attempt to steal the pups and that i now have them back and people have said they will keep an eye open now for any strangers with them if it happens again which i hope not.
          They are both happy today and been spoilt with great big bones and have thoroughly enjoyed them.

          There was another incident where a deaf and blind poodle was stolen from its home yesterday and tied tight to the railway lines about 4 miles away from me.
          What is it with people that they have to be so ####ing cruel to animals like this.The owner was out visiting her mother who is dying and that was the last thing she wanted.
          It was lucky that one of the station staff spotted the dog before any trains came


          • #20
            For gods sake, what is this world coming to. Think a lot o people need to get a grip o themselves


            • #21
              Originally posted by Cant Get Right View Post
              For gods sake, what is this world coming to. Think a lot o people need to get a grip o themselves
              I think someone else needs to get a grip of them, around the throat!!!
              When ya stop having fun, Ya start getting old

