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  • cant post new thread

  • #2
    liar lol,its cause u drive and isuzu/vauxhall jobbie lolol ps take the word surf out of title


    • #3
      i hate computers . just wrote a long post and it wouldn't post .this isn't the first time either


      • #4
        Originally posted by breakdowntruck2 View Post
        liar lol,its cause u drive and isuzu/vauxhall jobbie lolol ps take the word surf out of title


        • #5
          somtimes it helps just rewording title


          • #6
            BUT MY POST HAS GONE just went don't now were just gone


            • #7
              wasn't "Surf for sale" or anything was it?!


              • #8
                can't be bovverd too write all that again so ill wait until i get the photos sent to me and ill tell you all wot my Little surf did yesterday. ill just say it made a land rover look pretty limp


                • #9
                  Originally posted by steve s View Post
                  can't be bovverd too write all that again so ill wait until i get the photos sent to me and ill tell you all wot my Little surf did yesterday. ill just say it made a land rover look pretty limp
                  im guessing it started when you turned the key
                  PayPal for stickers : scuffsnscrapes@hotmail.com


                  • #10
                    The wipers worked?


                    • #11
                      HA don't diss the surf . or as trina calls it dirty pig it did wot a Santana (a Spanish lwb land rover) couldn't do


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by steve s View Post
                        can't be bovverd too write all that again so ill wait until i get the photos sent to me and ill tell you all wot my Little surf did yesterday. ill just say it made a land rover look pretty limp
                        It got further than 20 yards without breaking down?
                        If it can be broken it can be fixed


                        • #13
                          IS THIS THE HILUXSURF FORUM or have i gone on to the jeep or frontera or land rover forum you are all being very nasty to my truck and i just don't think i can take anymore oh and iv got a cold


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by steve s View Post
                            IS THIS THE HILUXSURF FORUM or have i gone on to the jeep or frontera or land rover forum you are all being very nasty to my truck and i just don't think i can take anymore oh and iv got a cold
                            Um, I don't think you're reading the replies properly.


                            • #15
                              youve got it the wrong way round dude,
                              when i said "it started when you turned the key", i meant a lame rover wont do that

                              when mckirdy-services said "It got further than 20 yards without breaking down?" he meant a lame rover wont do that either
                              etc etc etc

                              noone said anything about your surf lol
                              PayPal for stickers : scuffsnscrapes@hotmail.com

