I finally managed to get the truck lifted yesterday. Well to be honest it wasn't me at all but a good mate of mine. I would have loved to have helped out, but he took it to the main dealership were he works and because of health and safety regs I wasn't allowed in the workshop.
It took him just over 4 hours on his own but he did have 4 post lift and pnuematic impact tools etc.
I supplied all the parts and he supplied the labour. Total cost for the lift £80!!!!
Just got to modify the brackets for the bullbar to go back on and that should be it.
Now where's my 33" tyres?

It took him just over 4 hours on his own but he did have 4 post lift and pnuematic impact tools etc.
I supplied all the parts and he supplied the labour. Total cost for the lift £80!!!!
Just got to modify the brackets for the bullbar to go back on and that should be it.
Now where's my 33" tyres?
