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Burning Pigs Ears!

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  • Burning Pigs Ears!

    That's what we've been doing today. Someone turned up with a bucket of pigs ears from the abatoir to see if we could 'brand' them with a laser beam. Seems they want to do away with the traditional plastic ear tags and mark the porkers with a barcode!

    Not the wackiest laser application by any means though- that has to go the American Cattle Baron who wanted us to brand his steers with a laser beam from a helicopter (no need for lassooing and hot irons)- needless to say it didn't work!

    Second place must go to the Frenchman who turned up with a few boxes of oysters. Quick zap with a laser beam and they opened automaticaly- no need to fiddle around with a knife. I believe he has several 'laser oyster shucking' machines in place.

    Third place is the hamburger company that wanted us to burn those 'griddle stripes' on their burgers with a laser beam. They tried it- and it worked! Laser stripes on your burger!

    Fouth place (and possibly my favourite) is Method
    Of Exercising A Cat - Patent 5443036. This is a real US Patent- but not one of our ideas!

    Edit- anyone else been any wierd stuff at work lately?
    Last edited by laser_jock99; 12 September 2008, 22:01.

  • #2
    We use a laser for welding plastics at work, (And it works), what power is the one you use?
    If it aint broke, keep goin' till it is.


    • #3
      Originally posted by GRASSMAN View Post
      We use a laser for welding plastics at work, (And it works), what power is the one you use?
      We have built lasers with outputs between 10mW and 5KW over the years- it's just the range of uses they are put to that amazes me.


      • #4
        Some crazy stuff!

        I would never of thought that a lazor would have so many uses!!

