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computer/camcorder geeks heeeeeeeeelp!

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  • computer/camcorder geeks heeeeeeeeelp!

    ok,i'm tearing out whats left of my hair here,a while back i bought a jvc everio gz-mg330hek hdd camcorder,but no matter what i do once connected to pc i cannot get it to replay videos on the pc,the still images/pics ive taken arent a prob,i can see those,but the vids.....and im guessin here are files called moi and mod files???heeeeeelp!! tia!

  • #2

    I've no experience of HD camcorder, but for my tape one I use Movie Maker to get drag the filming in.

    Can you not do similar ?

    Look out Eastbourne, the Pandas are coming !


    • #3
      Originally posted by UDTrev View Post

      I've no experience of HD camcorder, but for my tape one I use Movie Maker to get drag the filming in.

      Can you not do similar ?

      i cant even click on the files to play them,says windows does not recognise???


      • #4
        Does Windows recognise the tape drive ?

        with Movie Maker I use it in capture mode where it makes the camcorder play back the video and drags it in.

        Look out Eastbourne, the Pandas are coming !


        • #5
          Originally posted by UDTrev View Post
          Does Windows recognise the tape drive ?

          with Movie Maker I use it in capture mode where it makes the camcorder play back the video and drags it in.

          it recognises the camera,lets me look at pics,but cannot find/open videos?


          • #6
            i just did a quick google on it, the video is MPEG 2 out...but there are many variations of MPEG 2 and according to one review the vast majority of PC editing software won't recognise the version used by this camera it. The review stated you have to use the editing software supplied to use it.

            The is a plan B thou, if you can export the video file from the camera to your PC, there are free format conversion programmes out there that might convert this format into something more easily handled, quicktime or windows media...


            hope that helps

            Back in the day Baby


            • #7
              Originally posted by Vultch View Post
              i just did a quick google on it, the video is MPEG 2 out...but there are many variations of MPEG 2 and according to one review the vast majority of PC editing software won't recognise the version used by this camera it. The review stated you have to use the editing software supplied to use it.

              The is a plan B thou, if you can export the video file from the camera to your PC, there are free format conversion programmes out there that might convert this format into something more easily handled, quicktime or windows media...


              hope that helps
              but i have no idea which files i need exactly lol,seems to be 2 files per clip?


              • #8
                what are they called ..including the extension (the text after the .)

                e.g. plane.mov .mov means its quicktime

                Back in the day Baby


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Vultch View Post
                  what are they called ..including the extension (the text after the .)

                  e.g. plane.mov .mov means its quicktime
                  mod and moi ????


                  • #10
                    .mod is the mpeg video, moi might be the audio.... that link i gave


                    I have no connection to it..but it claims to convert .mod files... try downloading it ..its free... (not sure if it puts any nasties on your PC..theres no such thing as a free lunch)..but it might just let you convert your .mod file to a .mov file or a wmv file that your old software could work with

                    Back in the day Baby


                    • #11
                      can you not change the file type on the camera, so next time it's in avi or something similar


                      • #12
                        I don't think he can, i read a quick review and its MPEG only...

                        Back in the day Baby


                        • #13
                          surely the software he got with it would be able to play it


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Vultch View Post
                            .mod is the mpeg video, moi might be the audio.... that link i gave


                            I have no connection to it..but it claims to convert .mod files... try downloading it ..its free... (not sure if it puts any nasties on your PC..theres no such thing as a free lunch)..but it might just let you convert your .mod file to a .mov file or a wmv file that your old software could work with
                            cheers mate downloading as i type


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by sledge View Post
                              surely the software he got with it would be able to play it
                              you would think wouldn't u !! lol

