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speeding in roadworks - help required

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  • #16
    Originally posted by MattF View Post
    You screwed up. Plain and simple. Just take what you've been given and leave as is. If you take it any further, you will most likely risk a more severe penalty. Btw, temporary roadworks signs and restrictions have the same relevance as permanent ones. They are inplace for the altered safety factor, so they are just as legal as any others. The only argument you may have is if they are breaking any of the requirements for signing/restrictions in general.
    Agree... the law did change quite recently, before you could argue temp speed limit, etc colour of sign etc all because it was temp limit. Now its set in stone, break the limit displayed and your nicked. Challenge this and they'll make an example of you...

    Back in the day Baby


    • #17
      I whole heartedly agree with the above - technically I did wrong and should take it on the chin.
      My beef is the over zealous and enthusiastic use of the speed camera as if a tool to make money rather than prevent accidents.
      I had just entered a temp 30 zone from a 70 zone - without prior warnings of speed change - and zapped , whilst slowing, within a very short distance of passing said 30 sign. As for previously mentioned "dangerous driving" the road in question is a dual carriage way in the middle of nowhere - no buildings no pedestrians. the road was quite, dry, sunlit. I was around one 1/2 - 3/4 miles away from any altering road surface / lanes and was slowing down. Other vehicles were overtaking me as we entered area. No workmen were present as it was late saturday afternoon and the road lane change does not take you past working area - or put anybody at any risk. you do not enter a single file system - the signs basically make you pull off at the next interchange as road ahead is closed. if these temp signs were not there - i could travel the exact same route at 70.

      I can only assume that I was pulled, rather than other faster vehicles, as I was, at the time, driving my mates new Jaguar and plod must have thought lets pull the nice new shiney car rather than other folk driving possibly faster??

      I'm bitter about my otherwise 16 year clean licence being tarnished with 3 points and resent the fine for what is, in my opinion, a way of making revenue - and not road safety.

      rant over - off to pub to drown sorrows - then WALK home!!
      Last edited by jaky cakes; 24 August 2008, 12:32.
      Everyone thinks I'm paranoid!!


      • #18
        Tough call under the circumstances then. Personally, with my opinions on the whole speed camera thing, (depending upon the circumstances), I'd tell 'em to go f*ck themselves on the pure principle of the matter. Speed cameras are a dangerous distraction when you should be paying attention to other road factors. If you were speeding by that degree quarter or half a mile past a speed sign, however, that's a different ball game.

