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Uncomfortable Seating Position

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Elvz
    Mk3 Supra seats would probably bolt straight into a 2nd gen Surf and all the controls are on the seat so it just needs 12V

    Only thing is that they are almost the same height and adjustment range so they might not be any better. I own a Supra but I prefer the standard Surf seats anyway.
    Thanks for that, can I asume that the 3rd gen seats ar'nt that much different.
    Passenger is fine in mine but the drivers is nowhere near as comfy and feels quite a bit lower
    If it smells like fish, eat it!


    • #17
      I'm 6' and i find it the most comfy vehicle i've driven. Maybe i have shorter legs and a longer torsoe!
      Derek :
      1990 Hilux Surf SSR Ltd
      [B][COLOR=DarkOrange][U]S[/U][/COLOR][/B]ave [B][COLOR=DarkOrange][U]U[/U][/COLOR][/B]p [B][COLOR=DarkOrange][U]R[/U][/COLOR][/B]eadies [B][COLOR=DarkOrange][U]F[/U][/COLOR][/B]ast. Cause you're gonna need them!


      • #18
        Change Seats

        Hi Surfers

        I am 6' 7" in my work boots. I have a 2nd Gen with Recaro seats. I test drove one with standard seats and did not fit in but was as happy as a pig in **** when I found the one with recaro seats. Lower position and more leg room. And thats the story I am sticking to. No problema at all.



        • #19
          You could always fit a set of leather seats from http://www.boostertuning.com/ listed for the 4-Runner up to 1995.


          • #20
            Whilst I find that the drivers side is fine due to stretching out the legs I have had comments about the passengers side feeling funny in that, the floor pan is so close to the seat as opposed to other makes in general.

            If they wanna complain they can get out and walk


            • #21
              Originally posted by Gizmo
              Whilst I find that the drivers side is fine due to stretching out the legs I have had comments about the passengers side feeling funny in that, the floor pan is so close to the seat as opposed to other makes in general.

              If they wanna complain they can get out and walk
              I spaced up the whole of the passenger seat on mine by removing the seat, drilliing out the welds on the runners, welding some 1" x 1" tube along where the runners were and then welding the runners back on.

              Helped a little but will probably manufacture a frame to do it higher (probably boost by another inch. This is because the fan assembly under the passenger side dash makes it difficult for my wife to stretch out her legs her feet are too big (and they are only size 5 !).



              • #22
                Uncomfortable [ very!] seats in 1996 Surf

                Please help.

                I previously have owned two 1991 /2 Surfs which I found extremely comfortable to drive, even over long journeys. In fact for me this is a principal reason I have bought a 'new' one only this lime three litre 1996 model, private import from Japan.

                This one cost loads more than the two previous ( over $12,000USD including the import / vat taxes ) so I have been shocked to find that it is so uncomfortable to drive I don't think I can continue with it. I have tried adjusting the driver's seat but whatever I do it just feels an awful lot NARROWER than in the 1992 model. [And I have lost 2 stone over the last 7 months not gained so no, it;s not that....].

                Is it my imagination or are the 1996 seats in fact narrower ? If so what is the solution - my back is killing me at this typing ! And the number of people I have praised the Surf to for its long -distance comfort doesn't bear thinking about...........


                • #23
                  Never sat in the drivers seat of a 3rd gen, but it doesn't have the recaro interior does it? If it does the seats would feel narrower than the standard seats because of the shaping. If this is the case it would be possible to swap the recaros for standard seats, and i reckon there's probably people here that would bite your hand off for a straight swap.
                  =SOLD UP!=


                  • #24
                    3rd Gen standard seats are fine for me - 6'1" and 18 stone. Mind you, as a previous poster noted, short legs and a long torso may help in this respect.

                    I am not a number. I am a FREE MAN!


                    • #25
                      Wow, some actually reactivated a 3 and a half year old post!
                      'Tis better to sting than to be stung!


                      • #26
                        I have a 2nd gen SSR-G with Recarro seats and I find them really comfortable for any distance.
                        Mine WAS a 150 bhp V6 and ran on PETROL

