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Drumclog 4th 5th and 6th July 2008

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  • #16
    [QUOTE=KERRSURF;466877]BTW - Kerrsurf, where are you logging in at - an internet cafe???

    Eh? I'm at home mate.

    I thought you were off to a week in the Lakes.
    Or did something get lost in the translation???

    Edit - Never mind, just read your other thread
    Last edited by blackpoolsparks; 7 July 2008, 18:44.
    私のホバークラフト は鰻が一杯です。


    • #17
      Ah Smiffy you had to be there on the friday night that was a laugh and a half, it would take to long to explain


      • #18
        Phew! Shirley, that was a close one, thank God for the edit button...
        私のホバークラフト は鰻が一杯です。


        • #19
          ha ha ha


          • #20
            try this link, one of the videos i took trying it out to see if it works, andy is trying to stitch the other 3 together then we will get them on. they are well worth the watching

            Last edited by Giggle Queen; 7 July 2008, 19:32.


            • #21
              We all got home tired and very happy!!! Thanks to everyone who made me Rowan and the kids feel very welcome and for the great advice on how to go off road..We cant wait to do it all again soon. My arms look even worse now and suprise suprise the back window on the truck has decided to work again now i'm home!!!


              • #22
                Glad to hear everyone made it home safe. Here's my pics.

                私のホバークラフト は鰻が一杯です。


                • #23
                  great pics gordon, howz the exhaust, or are you leavin it off cause it sounds better


                  • #24
                    I was so embarrased when i got home. I turned it off down my street and let it roll into the drive. I think i might of done some other damage as was very slow/ loud on the motorway, not had a chance to look yet. Never mind, its all part of the fun. and more reason to spend more money/ more mods to the truck.
                    私のホバークラフト は鰻が一杯です。


                    • #25
                      Great to meet you all, old and new friends. I'm delighted everyone enjoyed the 3 days and it was a pleasure to spend the time with you all.

                      To all the other clubs that turned out, thankyou it made the long weekend even better. It adds to the fun to see 1.3 zooks and v8 monsters mixed in with our lot, all trying the same stuff and the laughs with and at each other.

                      I hope you all come back for more soon, you will be most welcome.


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by yoshie View Post
                        Great to meet you all, old and new friends. I'm delighted everyone enjoyed the 3 days and it was a pleasure to spend the time with you all.

                        To all the other clubs that turned out, thankyou it made the long weekend even better. It adds to the fun to see 1.3 zooks and v8 monsters mixed in with our lot, all trying the same stuff and the laughs with and at each other.

                        I hope you all come back for more soon, you will be most welcome.
                        Have a look Yoshie, George has left a reply on the old Drumclog thread
                        私のホバークラフト は鰻が一杯です。


                        • #27
                          Here's Shirley's video of the drowned Zuk

                          Do you know that, with a 50 character limit, it's


                          • #28
                            Brilliant pics, just back from my holiday in the lakes.

                            nice vids too!

                            yoshie "Didn't know they had a pill for laziness, anyway get well soon."

