Is it unusual for em to suck your arm? our shih jumps up on the couch with me and goes through the same routine every time, clamps his teeth on me arm and sucks away for ten minuits, and his paws and kneadeing away like gooduns (like cats do) same place opposite side to my elbow, then licks it, then settles down for a kip or a fight, i thought it may be a "leftover" from feeding from his mum but hes 5 months now, we got him at 9 weeks, the vet and owner said this was about the right time to seperate him, wierd habits they have,
forgot! he dose'nt do it to the missis, just me, i thought it's because i've a hairy arm
forgot! he dose'nt do it to the missis, just me, i thought it's because i've a hairy arm