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dog owners...........

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  • #16
    this is what i use and comes with cable which is wire inside
    down bottom of page


    • #17

      here's one with a cable
      nee nar nee nar, i'm a fire engine!


      • #18
        DA SLUG MAN

        that ones not bad as mines L shaped now as dog bent it over and mines not
        a massive dog just staff X english bull


        • #19
          seen em in b&q for something, can't remember what though. We only used ours a few times, if the ground was soft enough to put it in our elkhound could pull it out, i don't think our alsation would even notice it was in the ground tbh.

          You could probably just bang a length of angle iron into the ground, might hold better anyway, but it'd certainly be ok for a jack russel, drill a hole near the end to put a small shackle through for his lead.
          =SOLD UP!=


          • #20
            I took the metal lead off our corkscrew thing and just loop it round the van chassis when we're away.

            No ground anchor of any description will hold our dog back when a squirrel runs past his nose


            Signature stolen along with Surf...


            • #21
              Originally posted by corsetts View Post
              I took the metal lead off our corkscrew thing and just loop it round the van chassis when we're away.

              No ground anchor of any description will hold our dog back when a squirrel runs past his nose


              The Dad of the Jack Russell I have now, dug the corkscrew out of the ground whilst left alone for a bit. Tenacious little bugger he was....
              If you play with fire.....


              • #22
                Originally posted by bu5hwack3r View Post
                The Dad of the Jack Russell I have now, dug the corkscrew out of the ground whilst left alone for a bit. Tenacious little bugger he was....
                And here he is, looking for rabbits a la Meerkat!

                If you play with fire.....


                • #23
                  cheers for help guys,just had a thought with all the talk of them being pulled out,may got look for light chain,and put it round caravan axle,as she will be in the awning anyway


                  • #24
                    Oh come on...what you do for a living....spring off a small motor, heat up one end bend it out and put a point on it, weld other end to itself, small shackle + welded light chain, wind that into the ground ...jobs a good'un...minimal cost!!
                    Did I mention I have a BLUE one


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by fatfires View Post
                      Oh come on...what you do for a living....spring off a small motor, heat up one end bend it out and put a point on it, weld other end to itself, small shackle + welded light chain, wind that into the ground ...jobs a good'un...minimal cost!!
                      i can see wot your saying,and we do have alot of scrap,BUT my boss is so tight he wouldnt let me have a spring lolol

