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WVO and water question

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  • #16
    Originally posted by MattF View Post
    Remind me never to use Google again though. Why can the VO community always throw more contradictory information around than you can shake a stick at?

    Heat it so that it thins and the oil and water will separate easier. Which is the general advice for suspended water, it would seem.
    That, however, is then counteracted by the supposed possibility that heating can cause the absorbed moisture content to become higher, or something suchlike. I've forgotten the specifics due to the amount of techno-drudge I've been sifting through. (Btw, this is the reason I disappeared for several hours after posting this thread. If I see another dual drum setup picture, I'm gonna scream). Gone into brain melt mode now.
    welcome to the club mate


    • #17
      Originally posted by yoshie View Post
      welcome to the club mate


      • #18
        Came across this pearler whilst I've been swotting. A typical zealot/skeptic thread with a good dose of the US attitude of 'we believe we created, invented and were the first to do everything' thrown in.


        Edit: Just on a side note, why the chuff does everybody refer to is as HHO? As soon as it's separated, it's hydrogen and oxygen. What relevance does the molecule count have when they're not bonded? Minor niggle, I know, but.........
        Last edited by MattF; 18 June 2008, 02:18.


        • #19
          I aggree with Kerrsurf, the whole point of useing this $hite is to save money or at least off set the cost of running on deisel a bit, i also have the luxury of only being a very low mileage user and a liter or two helps me out, if you start boiling the stuff (like someone else i heard of) your prob spending more than your saveing, i just filter it six times through kitchen paper, and leave it stand for a day or two, aint had any probs and it looks like ya could reuse it for food without any adverse affects, i read loads on verious sites and ended up mor confused than when i started, so sod it, filter, add white spirits, leave a day and chuck it in

          edit, just thought matt! your ok at soldering, why dont you fab up a small heat exchanger and run your heater pipe though it, dont have to be a biggun like mine, after all size is'nt everything
          Last edited by POPEYE; 18 June 2008, 06:06.
          Too young to die and too old to give a toss


          • #20
            I can save almost enough per year to buy two new engines on my mileage. This year wvo cost me a diesel filter.

            I agree with the simple filter set ups but this is only an opinion.
            I understand the bio process, but I am happy to run the wvo in the knowledge of the associated risks.

            I would suggest if anyone is toying with the idea, then read and research, then decide.


            • #21
              You should find a way of putting the WVO in the tank with the water content and then having some kind of in-line separator to extract the water for the 'water as fuel' business and dump any excess.


              • #22
                We should have farmers all growing oil crops instead of paying them stupid subsidies to leave fields empty for years on end!

                yoshie "Didn't know they had a pill for laziness, anyway get well soon."


                • #23
                  Originally posted by POPEYE View Post
                  I aggree with Kerrsurf, the whole point of useing this $hite is to save money or at least off set the cost of running on deisel a bit, i also have the luxury of only being a very low mileage user and a liter or two helps me out, if you start boiling the stuff (like someone else i heard of) your prob spending more than your saveing, i just filter it six times through kitchen paper, and leave it stand for a day or two, aint had any probs and it looks like ya could reuse it for food without any adverse affects, i read loads on verious sites and ended up mor confused than when i started, so sod it, filter, add white spirits, leave a day and chuck it in
                  Originally posted by yoshie View Post
                  I can save almost enough per year to buy two new engines on my mileage. This year wvo cost me a diesel filter.

                  I agree with the simple filter set ups but this is only an opinion.
                  I understand the bio process, but I am happy to run the wvo in the knowledge of the associated risks.
                  Must admit, I'm beginning to lean towards this option. As you chaps say, the extra cost would be counter-productive, and you do have a point with the savings/repairs point Yoshie. Plus, at the end of the day, I'm not exactly the most reticent person on here where possibly detrimental engine mods are concerned. You never knows until you tries.

                  Originally posted by POPEYE View Post
                  edit, just thought matt! your ok at soldering, why dont you fab up a small heat exchanger and run your heater pipe though it, dont have to be a biggun like mine, after all size is'nt everything
                  I have got some Kunifer? sat here that I got specifically for that reason. That stuff is an absolute dog to bend neatly, however, which is why I still ain't made one yet. In fact, I have got half the bits towards a typical me style dual tank setup, (excluding valves and heaters), still sat here, awaiting me ever getting around to finishing that idea/mod.

                  Originally posted by Sancho View Post
                  You should find a way of putting the WVO in the tank with the water content and then having some kind of in-line separator to extract the water for the 'water as fuel' business and dump any excess.
                  That's the problem, however. The one type of water content which is fairly easy to get rid of is the suspended water, (from what I've read so far). It's the absorbed water which would be the dog, which is also the one those traps wouldn't likely catch.


                  • #24
                    I have got some Kunifer? sat here that I got specifically for that reason. That stuff is an absolute dog to bend neatly, however, which is why I still ain't made one yet. In fact, I have got half the bits towards a typical me style dual tank setup, (excluding valves and heaters), still sat here, awaiting me ever getting around to finishing that idea/mod.

                    I've no idea what Kunifer is (and me a plumber)
                    i did'nt bend tube for the main heat exchanger Matt, i used 22mm and 15,, passing through 22x22x15 "t"'s wiht the stop ridge filed out, (end feed fittings) the hot water circulates through the 22mm and around the outside of the 15mm warming the oil inside the 15mm, only bit i bent was in the "intank" exchanger and that was to line up the fixings through the cut holes in the tank, otherwise i just used a lot od 15mm elbows and street elbows, the pic might help explain it better,
                    Too young to die and too old to give a toss


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by POPEYE View Post
                      I've no idea what Kunifer is (and me a plumber)
                      I think it's a mix of nickel and brass, or something suchlike. Can't remember exactly what offhand.


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by MattF View Post
                        I think it's a mix of nickel and brass, or something suchlike. Can't remember exactly what offhand.
                        Copper's easier to work and you can have it nickel plated (or send it down to me and i'll get it done) that way the vegoil's not comeing into contact with the copper (re that degradeing concern in the link, UD trev i think)

                        i more or less given up on the two fuel mod as the price of SVO shot up and i dont get enough WVO to justify all the buggering about i've done, might just link the tanks together not that i'll ever be able to afford to fill both of em up
                        Too young to die and too old to give a toss


                        • #27
                          Ian would you consider making a copy of your heat exchanger for re sale.
                          I for one would be interested.


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by yoshie View Post
                            Ian would you consider making a copy of your heat exchanger for re sale.
                            I for one would be interested.
                            I'll do one for you, guess it dosent have to be as big as the one i did, i went a bit overboard, that bugga'd do the hot water in a house i'd need to get some fittings unless my son in law can get some from the plumbers at work, and if you want it plated i'd need to get a price for you as he does tend to very a bit, charged me a fiver for mine, let me know for sure mate,
                            something like this one?
                            Attached Files
                            Too young to die and too old to give a toss


                            • #29
                              You have pm mate

