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National Fuel Protests 22nd June & 4th July

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Apache View Post
    Up yours, Ging!


    • #17
      Thanks Osbourne glad someone gets this.

      The fact is rising fuel costs fuel rising prices in every other area, we are all effected. Its seems this country is quick to moan but cant be ar**ed to do jack s**te in turning things around. Have we all gone soft? Has the great British bulldog rolled over and rather have its tummy tickled?

      The protests in cities on the 22nd June are for everyone, car owners or not, they will be peacful, non blockading and on a Sunday so people dont complain about the problems of getting in to work, lets hope they turn up to the protests instead then

      It doesn't matter which website hosts this info, the important thing is we stand as one for a change and get this information out, so please please help.

      Thank you x


      • #18
        SO how will a non-blockading protest focus minister minds?

        Like the peaceful, non-blockading anti-nuclear protests did? (no effect whatsoever)

        What is your plan? What is your aim?

        What makes you think a non-blockading protest on a Sunday will have any effect whatsoever? If it doesn't inconvenience anyone, the people who can do something about fuel prices will care not one jot. I'm not trying to be confrontational, I'm genuinely interested in how you think a bunch of people NOT inconveniencing ANYONE can acheive ANYTHING.

        Let them know we will not vote for them. Thats the biggest threat we can make.
        Cutting steps in the roof of the world


        • #19
          Originally posted by Apache View Post
          People on facebook generally aren't old enough to own cars are they? I cant be a$$ed to join said site, so when you get details, post up on this thread?
          Well put Andy ... I'm old school too !!
          Who needs Facebook etc !!!!
          That's why we gotta a Forum of our own innit.............

          There's always a Payback .... Ya just never ever see it Comin !!!!
          Buncefield Burner


          • #20
            Originally posted by Apache View Post
            Let them know we will not vote for them. Thats the biggest threat we can make.
            Unfortunately, from our perspective, even that makes no difference, however. All that would happen is we swap one set of monkeys for another.


            • #21
              Originally posted by hannbabe View Post
              Thanks Osbourne glad someone gets this.

              The fact is rising fuel costs fuel rising prices in every other area, we are all effected. Its seems this country is quick to moan but cant be ar**ed to do jack s**te in turning things around. Have we all gone soft? Has the great British bulldog rolled over and rather have its tummy tickled?

              The protests in cities on the 22nd June are for everyone, car owners or not, they will be peacful, non blockading and on a Sunday so people dont complain about the problems of getting in to work, lets hope they turn up to the protests instead then

              It doesn't matter which website hosts this info, the important thing is we stand as one for a change and get this information out, so please please help.

              Thank you x

              Well i think the goal is to try to get the meda involed?
              gives the public a bit of a voice

              i have notice that it dont matter which forum host's this info
              you been a very bizzy girl
              just about every forum has had this posting today from plants to cars you covered them all

              its a good idea tho
              ya just need to sell it better like a list of meeting place's
              Last edited by JUDWAK; 13 June 2008, 02:05.
              am not die lex sick its you that cant read mate

