Went an saw the new Indy movie last night at midnight! Geekfest! loads of people with indy hats on! 
Anyway, I loved the other 3 films. Fantastic sets, great actors an awesome traps/puzzles!!!
This one, Kind of stays true to form in that it is an Indy movie but only for the first half. Then it takes a flying leap into the realm of the truly bizzare and random! I couldn't help but sit there and feel like good ole George lucas is at his whole "digging up a movie, splashing some special effects and bodging together loads of 'spin off' sequels an sit an wait for the $$ to pour in!"
It fits in perfectly with the new star wars films!! They are worth a watch but other then "The Return of the Sith" It may have been better to just lay it to rest, Rather then rape its remains for anymore dollars it may have in its pockets.
I got a huge vibe that whilst writing the story for the new movie some of the writers may have had a lapse back to there drug taking days. It just falls apart like an airfix made using dog sh!t.
Some of the C.G.I is really obvious an tacky. Coming from "Industrial light and magic" It does beg the question what happened?!? Pioneers of the C.G.I techniques an here they clearly show that other then a cool name, they "aint much cop guv' "
worth a watch, Its Indiana jones for gods sake! But it might be worth holding that watch off till a dumb mate buys it on DVD an invites everyone round for microwaved popcorn and alcohol free beer!!

Anyway, I loved the other 3 films. Fantastic sets, great actors an awesome traps/puzzles!!!
This one, Kind of stays true to form in that it is an Indy movie but only for the first half. Then it takes a flying leap into the realm of the truly bizzare and random! I couldn't help but sit there and feel like good ole George lucas is at his whole "digging up a movie, splashing some special effects and bodging together loads of 'spin off' sequels an sit an wait for the $$ to pour in!"
It fits in perfectly with the new star wars films!! They are worth a watch but other then "The Return of the Sith" It may have been better to just lay it to rest, Rather then rape its remains for anymore dollars it may have in its pockets.
I got a huge vibe that whilst writing the story for the new movie some of the writers may have had a lapse back to there drug taking days. It just falls apart like an airfix made using dog sh!t.
Some of the C.G.I is really obvious an tacky. Coming from "Industrial light and magic" It does beg the question what happened?!? Pioneers of the C.G.I techniques an here they clearly show that other then a cool name, they "aint much cop guv' "
worth a watch, Its Indiana jones for gods sake! But it might be worth holding that watch off till a dumb mate buys it on DVD an invites everyone round for microwaved popcorn and alcohol free beer!!
