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2" body lift- do it myself? clear rear recovery points?

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  • 2" body lift- do it myself? clear rear recovery points?

    Having read as much as I can on what is the right first kit to buy i have tried to go belt and braces and ordered my tested bow shackles, an 8m 14 tonne strop to use as a bridle and a 4.5m 12 tonne nylon rope so I can actually go out to play in the mud.
    I dont have any aftermarket tow balls, hooks or indeed bars so for now I'm going to be using the tie down points at front and rear which I know aren't necessarily ideal for recovery, but needs must and thats what the bridle is for.

    To be able to use the ones on the rear I understand on a standard truck the rope/strop will pull off/bend the bumper.

    I don't have the budget for a tow bar right now and guess they act like a plough off road so is my only option a body lift?

    If so, will a 2" give enough clearance? How hard are they to fit? I'm not massively technical but have found some 'how to's' online or if I got it doen by someone else how long labour wise should it take?

    Once fitted does a 2" body lift effect the on road handling particularly?

    Note to self.... must try to write more concise posts

    thanks in advance guys and gals

  • #2
    A bodylift wont give you any ground clearance at all. It just allows for fitting bigger tyres. If you want more clearance do a suspension lift and possibly fit bigger tyres. Better still do body and suspension and tyres.


    • #3
      Front should be okay anyway. Rear may be a problem but only if your in a deep hole being recovered from above, in most situations when used sensibly it should be fine as standard.

      I wouldn't fit bodylift for recovery, only for bigger tyres.
      Wax on, wax off


      • #4
        Originally posted by pnuk View Post
        I don't have the budget for a tow bar right now and guess they act like a plough off road
        I'm sure most standard Tow bars arn't too bad ...
        This is what ya call a plough n I managed lots of Offroading but ain't ideal. !!

        There's always a Payback .... Ya just never see it Comin !!!!
        Attached Files
        Buncefield Burner


        • #5
          the rear chassis points are fine for recovery and only if you are really deep and the recovery angle is steep will it affect the bumper.

          yoshie "Didn't know they had a pill for laziness, anyway get well soon."

