Originally posted by RodLeach
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Oh $hit!!!!!
Originally posted by RodLeach View PostDidnt think of that.....
but still... however many ££ it costs... get them to chuck it towards that!http://www.apspropertyfix.co.uk/
Originally posted by Antshiel View PostI would do mate but the coppers asked me if there were any injuries and when i asked why they said it was to stop fraudulant claims. they also assesed the damage for the same reason. What a shit eh just fitted me new kenwood tv too, you'll like this one, here have a look.
Too young to die and too old to give a toss
Originally posted by POPEYE View PostNice, bet that was a bit more expensive than than mine!!and sold it i thought i'd treat myself. It is the muts nuts though and the sound is amazing. No need to wire up the eq either so that's just filling the gap at the moment.
Oh and i got £175 for me old one, not bad eh?http://www.apspropertyfix.co.uk/
Hi Bud, About two years ago some numpty drove into the side of me Truck, from a turning wiv out looking, Smashed the front of theirs to smithereens n creased half of me front door into the backdoor, rear Arch n Wing & steps.... Got the bobbies to attend.....
Sent the car for Crushing (Not their car) they had No "Licence or Insurance"
Insisted the Insurance repair it £1700+ n they did !!!!
Hope ya get it sorted ....
Good Luck Mate
There' always a Payback .... Ya just never See it Comin !!!!Buncefield Burner
Great to hear, the only thing that was bothering me was the availability of parts but it looks like most are available and the bits that aint can be sourced here and there. I'll get there (with a little help from me friends)
Every time i have shit day from now on, i'm comin here!!http://www.apspropertyfix.co.uk/
Jeez Ant looks like you were extremely lucky mate, and glad there were no serious injuries.
Fortunately it looks like Surf is well repairable, unlike my son's Clio Sport (now resembles a very large meccano kit)
Let me know if there owt i can do to help mate, Growler can be available if you stranded at any time other than weekendsneed to have some play time meself
See if the insurance company will pay for a winch bumper, when i hit a deer i got all the prices for parts, and a price for a winch bumper, which worked out a bit cheaper, and they was more than happy to go down that route. Then i drowned my truck and sold it.............before i got it fitted and cancelled the claim.....
Working at last.......