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My life starts here!

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  • My life starts here!

    After thirty years of HGV driving all over Europe and the Middle East, as of today i am a free man. No more 16 hour days, no more away all the time, no more sitting in queues on the m25 or Turkish border, it`s like being born again. My truck licence was due for renewal today and i thought "stuff it!". That is why i haven`t renewed and don`t intend to. Anyway, it will give me more time to play with the surf. I suppose i am lucky in the way that the mortgage is paid off, the kids have left home (with a little persuasion), and as long as i can put food on the table, pay the monthly bills, put my hand in my pocket and find enough for the odd pint of the black stuff and a packet of baccy i am a happy man. In short - SOD THE RAT RACE!

    Happy grinning,
    God bless gaffer tape and mastic!

  • #2
    Originally posted by whitehawk
    After thirty years of HGV driving all over Europe and the Middle East, as of today i am a free man. No more 16 hour days, no more away all the time, no more sitting in queues on the m25 or Turkish border, it`s like being born again. My truck licence was due for renewal today and i thought "stuff it!". That is why i haven`t renewed and don`t intend to. Anyway, it will give me more time to play with the surf. I suppose i am lucky in the way that the mortgage is paid off, the kids have left home (with a little persuasion), and as long as i can put food on the table, pay the monthly bills, put my hand in my pocket and find enough for the odd pint of the black stuff and a packet of baccy i am a happy man. In short - SOD THE RAT RACE!

    Happy grinning,
    I really admire your attitude and what you have done I have been driving class 1 for 20 years long distance in the UK and I'm sick of it. Worked for the same company for all the 20 years and was given 1 months notice just prior to Chritmas last year and then finished with not a thanks kiss me arse ta-ra or a single penny compensation when a magor distribution company took over the contract that I had been on all them years now I am having to sue them for compensation !!
    Good Luck, Andy.
    Attached Files
    I'd Rather Have A 4" Lift Than A 4" Extension !!!


    • #3
      You lucky man Ken,

      Having just turned 40 i am just about half way through my working life 23 years 7months, only another 24 years 11 months to go, unless they change the retirement age to 70........................oh i forgot the b@ards are already trying that one

      Good luck in retirement


      • #4
        What I sa m8 is WELCOME to the good life and ENJOY!!!!!!!!welcome to the good life and say goodbye to the old

