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  • #16
    Originally posted by KERRSURF View Post
    I think your referring to the fact that the body mounts are rubber and Popeys doesn't have this articulation built into his design.....mmm might be worth just body mounting them if you can..

    Having said that, if you do it this way and have no problems then just leave it.

    nice job.
    i see what you (and Gamesdawn) mean, i dont think theres' enough "movement" to worry about really but i guess there's the transferrance of viabration/noise thing, could help transmit it to the cab, but on the other hand it's a bl00dy noisey drive anyway, the bit that bolts to the chassi aint that important, it was just a bit of extra strenght, i could either cut em off or shorten em and fit rubber mounts, or grind off the weld on the T bit and use a bolt which would give a bit if it had to,
    anyway they aint rockslider, just a bit more bling, but they should give a bit of extra protection,
    Too young to die and too old to give a toss


    • #17
      would the tops off the metal cannisters for tea sugar fit they have some in the pound shop nice and shiney


      • #18
        Originally posted by BIG GENERAL View Post
        would the tops off the metal cannisters for tea sugar fit they have some in the pound shop nice and shiney
        Yeah they might! i'm going to have a troll round the likes of wilkinsons, mr cheap etc,

        as for the brackets i've had em all off today and cut em down, fitted rubber mounts on the chassi end, so should be ok now,
        Too young to die and too old to give a toss

