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Makes You Think........

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  • Makes You Think........

    I was enjoying a nice peaceful walk in the park with the dog yesterday. It was broad daylight. Suddenly a lump of concrete, bigger than my hand, flew past my ear so fast I heard it whistle and bounced off the fence, narrowly missing Lady. I looked round and there was a 6'7" tall 16 year old local youth with his two sniggering 4'0" sidekicks.
    The big one said, "Don't stare at me."
    I replied I wasn't staring and just wondered where the concrete came from.
    I was told that if I looked around again I would be killed!
    The local constablary say they they haven't commited any criminal offence as the concrete didn't hit me or the dog. I would, apparantly be able to make a complaint of anti-social behavior, which would go on his file, so presumably St**%n is well known to the local plod. ( I got his name from some other youths who had been mugged by him for their Chrismas money and mobile phones).
    BTW he had only been out of Youth Custody since Friday.

    Lady now has a very heavy duty chain, which I carry in my hand, while she enjoys her twilight years.
    It's only a hobby!

  • #2
    Itd be nice to chain him to a gate and drop him off a bridge over a deep river


    • #3
      It's a sad state of affairs, sorry to hear of you incident. Sadly it's the same everywhere. Bournemouth's no different, I got set upon by 6 spotty teenagers last year for no reason what so ever,I'm no fighter but I managed to give 3 of the a right good kicking tho ! then I got arrested for assault on them !! luckily a witness came forward and explaned the situation to the plod so they let me go with a caution.
      My wife won't even go out at night now.


      • #4

        its a joke aint it well where i live is no picnic i can tell ya when the wife or myself goes out at night or day i allways insist she takes our two dobermanns they are very protective and have had no trouble from the gangs of youths as you can see from my profile pic would u mess with the two of them gives me great satisfaction when the snarl as we walk past the gangs so tempting to let them off the leash this country needs sorting out big time dont mean to harp on but really anoyes me national service is needed me thinks glad your ok phil ps get yaself a dobermann all ya troubles will be over
        black n tan
        black n tan
        yes i am a dobermann man


        • #5
          I blame the do gooders that say you should not chastise the little cherubs these days..
          I remember the days when i got a good thick ear from the ole man, did `nt do me any harm..I think.

          We have some brats round where i live who insist on playing football in the road with a proper leather ball,they dont give a toss if they hit your cars or the ball hits the front door.When you shout at them to faff off to the field 2mins away you get all sorts of abuse with every other word beginning with f...It seems that schooling these days teaches them in how not to string a sentance together without swearing obviously the intelligence leval is slipping big time...
          Im not a gynacologist but ill have a look


          • #6
            I'm glad, and a little sad, that it is not just around here. Lady is a 15 year old Collie X Golden Retriever. A couple of years ago she tore the backside out of a would be muggers trousers, after I had fought him off. The only reason I didn't report that incident is because if they were caught they would counter complain and I didn't want Lady put down for doing her job.

            Lady is partially blind and going deaf now. When she's gone to the big avenue of trees in the sky I'm getting an AK47
            It's only a hobby!


            • #7
              Bring back National Service, that'll sort the little gits out...


              • #8
                Two years ago my business partner and I were both attacked outside our office three times in two weeks by the same group of boys. They were the children of asylum seekers and they were actually children rather than young adults.

                The first time I was attacked I called the police and 3 out of the 5 were arrested within a few minutes of the attack. They were charged with GBH with intent to commit robbery and bailed. Three days later the same group of youths attacked my partner in the car park and stole various items from her. Again they were caught, this time in possession of her property, and charged with a second set of offences.... and bailed again!

                Just over a week later I left the office late and the same group ran up behind me and attempted to hit me with a baseball bat. I was really mad because I had wasted hours making statements and attending identity parades and still these mentally and physically inept little ****ers were hanging around my car park intent on robbery, assault etc.

                The police basically lied to us from the outset about the process of bringing these children to court and the probable outcome of the charges. From a dozen charges brought against five individuals only two charges against one of the assailants came to court even though several of the boys initially admitted that they had conspired to rob us.

                One of the things that I found most annoying was that two of the boys walked into our office one afternoon and demanded to speak to me. I called the police to remove them and was later told that the CPS was dropping the charges resulting from the first incident as it was no longer possible to hold an impartial identity parade as the accused were now known to me.

                Months later when the remaining charges came to court the accused boy was allowed to run around the crown court building completely unsupervised and attempt to intimidate me and the other witnesses while we were waiting for the case to be called.

                After all this endless time wasting and a 2 day trial he was found guilty and sentenced to .............................. .............................. .....................


                ...Oh and afterwards some professional clown from the court concilliation service rang me and asked if I'd be willing to meet the little savage and "hear his side of things".


                • #9
                  This town takes some beating regarding thuggish, violent, evil behavior. Not a week goes by with out headline stories of murder, stabbing, beating, arson etc, not a nice place to live anymore.

                  We suffered some loutish vandalism just before christmas with a brick thrown through our front window at 3.00 am.
                  The police caught the yobs just before I did (lucky for them). They had smashed several house windows and kicked many car panels and side windows in, one of the police officers said he had seen one of them kick an astra side window in.
                  Police took a statement off me and I asked what would happen to them?"Well Sir, they are well known to us and are streetwise, so it wont really be worth charging them with anything as they will pleade poverty. We'll just make sure they have an uncomfortable night in the cells" BRILLIANT

                  So all us good honest people are left to pick up the tab.

                  Too many liberal (do-gooders) looking out for these underprivilaged unfortunate thugs just give them another chance
                  Question is who's looking out for us? I know the answer to that NO ONE

                  Three 10-12 years olds burnt my kids school down last year, they had been caught robbing the school 3 times in as many weeks, the school was destroyed with £3 million of damage.............what happened to them or there parents? 6 months juvenile restriction order.........I ask you. If I take my kids on holiday for a couple of weeks during term time, I will be liable to a £100 fine, let your kids ruin hunndreds of childrens schooling and cost the tax payer millions get off scott free.
                  The lunatics ARE running the asylum.

                  Steps off soap box
                  Last edited by kazam401; 23 March 2004, 00:29.


                  • #10
                    Ain't worth calling the police, their hands are tied by the politaical ar***es that run this country. Its about time number 10 was burnt down and the rest of the politicians got their heads out their a***s and started living in the real world.
                    My son when he was about 12-13ish ago got picked on by two 18 year olds, he was with his mate waiting for a few others to turn up over the park for a game of footie. These two lads asked my son and his mate for a light, neither smoked so couldn't help. So with that one of the lads kicked my sons mate as the sat on the ground, my son went to get up and was punched and kicked as he did so. Him & his mate were bruised and shaken all because they didn't have a light for these idiots.
                    Well apparently some 6 weeks or so later on different nights both these louts were beaten up whilst walking home alone. They were, as the story goes jumped by someone who was wearing some sort of ski/balaclava face mask/hood thingy, nothing was said during the kick in or after and they don't know why they got it.
                    One was so scared he actually wet himself, one of the boys brothers was in the same class as my son and apparently got joy telling everyone about it because his big brother used to give him a beating. So he thought he would tell everyone about his big hero brother p****ing his pants & the fact he is now s**t scared to go any where alone.
                    I believe this is the only language louts like these understand, the justice system stinks. No more cane or a clip round the ear at school, kids divorcing their parents, you can't smack me etc etc b****y etc.
                    Its not the police's fault law is defined/laid down through the politicians, the police get as frustrated as you and me.

                    Only one man entered the houses of parliament with honourable intentions....

                    Guy Fawkes
                    Say not always what you know, but always know what you say.

                    My 4x4
                    My choice
                    Back off


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Koi
                      Ain't worth calling the police, their hands are tied by the politaical ar***es that run this country. Its about time number 10 was burnt down and the rest of the politicians got their heads out their a***s and started living in the real world.
                      My son when he was about 12-13ish ago got picked on by two 18 year olds, he was with his mate waiting for a few others to turn up over the park for a game of footie. These two lads asked my son and his mate for a light, neither smoked so couldn't help. So with that one of the lads kicked my sons mate as the sat on the ground, my son went to get up and was punched and kicked as he did so. Him & his mate were bruised and shaken all because they didn't have a light for these idiots.
                      Well apparently some 6 weeks or so later on different nights both these louts were beaten up whilst walking home alone. They were, as the story goes jumped by someone who was wearing some sort of ski/balaclava face mask/hood thingy, nothing was said during the kick in or after and they don't know why they got it.
                      One was so scared he actually wet himself, one of the boys brothers was in the same class as my son and apparently got joy telling everyone about it because his big brother used to give him a beating. So he thought he would tell everyone about his big hero brother p****ing his pants & the fact he is now s**t scared to go any where alone.
                      I believe this is the only language louts like these understand, the justice system stinks. No more cane or a clip round the ear at school, kids divorcing their parents, you can't smack me etc etc b****y etc.
                      Its not the police's fault law is defined/laid down through the politicians, the police get as frustrated as you and me.

                      Only one man entered the houses of parliament with honourable intentions....

                      Guy Fawkes
                      Hey Nigel , make sure you dispose of the ski mask mate .

                      Rick...Member of 1st Gen club. ONE LIFE ... GET ONE !!


                      • #12
                        Where's the justice today?

                        We went though 3 weeks of sheer hell last year, wondering if our son was going to survive his accident. An idiot in his van pulled out on my son causing him to hit the side. The cowardly driver ran away from the scene leaving his 2 young kids in the van, we later found out he is a pikey and had gone into a police station in Lancashire and admitted what had happened, saying he panicked, truth is he wanted to get the booze out of his system. Witnesses say he had come out of the pub and just pulled out without looking causing the accident.
                        After all us and my son is going through , we got a letter today from the police telling us the driver was dealt with by a magistrate court and was FINED £100, COSTS £36, & 6 Penalty points.

                        I know it's a personal feeling cos he's my boy, but I just wish I could inflict the injuries and some my son has endured on the driver.
                        Oh well one day maybe.


                        • #13
                          As most are aware, I work for the Amb Service and obviously get to see a fair few wonderful sights in the line of work. Nothing pi$$es me off more than having to deal with the aftermath of violent assaults that concern innocent bystanders (and it isn't just Fri/Sat nights now either) The system is corrupt, my B-in-L is a Police Officer with 15 years service and he knows that a good proportion of his hard work is wasted, by the time the w@nkers get to court, because some goody goody magistrate/judge puts the accused back on the street with a minimum sentance (9/10 they blame the upbringing and having seen some of the places where children are raised I can actually understand where they are coming from) Alcohol plays a big part in all this,
                          Off-Licences/Pubs are open all day and there is easy opportunity for any age group to get large quantities of high content alcohol.

                          Trev, "I know it's a personal feeling cos he's my boy" -
                          there have been times when I could have easily battered some folk when I have turned out to jobs and seen the sort of thing you just described. Any sense of moral responsibilty has long gone. Most folk are just concerned with covering their own ar$e and blaming others

                          To be truthful Julie & I are looking at emigrating to Canada (I don't mind the cold)
                          This country has gone down the pan and the chain's still flushing........
                          NO WORRIES!


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by rusty
                            As most are aware, I work for the Amb Service and obviously get to see a fair few wonderful sights in the line of work. Nothing pi$$es me off more than having to deal with the aftermath of violent assaults that concern innocent bystanders (and it isn't just Fri/Sat nights now either) The system is corrupt, my B-in-L is a Police Officer with 15 years service and he knows that a good proportion of his hard work is wasted, by the time the w@nkers get to court, because some goody goody magistrate/judge puts the accused back on the street with a minimum sentance (9/10 they blame the upbringing and having seen some of the places where children are raised I can actually understand where they are coming from) Alcohol plays a big part in all this,
                            Off-Licences/Pubs are open all day and there is easy opportunity for any age group to get large quantities of high content alcohol.

                            Trev, "I know it's a personal feeling cos he's my boy" -
                            there have been times when I could have easily battered some folk when I have turned out to jobs and seen the sort of thing you just described. Any sense of moral responsibilty has long gone. Most folk are just concerned with covering their own ar$e and blaming others

                            To be truthful Julie & I are looking at emigrating to Canada (I don't mind the cold)
                            This country has gone down the pan and the chain's still flushing........

                            Canada eh, see you there m8, thats where me and the family hope to be in a couple of years time, same sort of reasons, every week in H/Pool someones had a nose or ear ripped or bitten off, always drink involved, we also pay one of the highest council taxes in the country, more than Westminister and if you have 1 bin bag too many for the wheely bin they won,t take it!!
                            18mth till the wife graduates as a midwife then we,re off to B.C. and while i will miss family, friends, English pubs and the country itself, i can,t wait to see the back of the rest of it, especially Tony B LIAR, oops spelling mistake, and the rest of his co-conspirators.
                            right rant over, back down off the soapbox,

                            good luck with your plans for Canada, Rusty.


                            ps. try a search on the net for, Royal le Page, Canadian realtors, and see what you can get for money over there compared to here.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Koi
                              Ain't worth calling the police, their hands are tied by the politaical ar***es that run this country. Its about time number 10 was burnt down and the rest of the politicians got their heads out their a***s and started living in the real world.
                              My son when he was about 12-13ish ago got picked on by two 18 year olds, he was with his mate waiting for a few others to turn up over the park for a game of footie. These two lads asked my son and his mate for a light, neither smoked so couldn't help. So with that one of the lads kicked my sons mate as the sat on the ground, my son went to get up and was punched and kicked as he did so. Him & his mate were bruised and shaken all because they didn't have a light for these idiots.
                              Well apparently some 6 weeks or so later on different nights both these louts were beaten up whilst walking home alone. They were, as the story goes jumped by someone who was wearing some sort of ski/balaclava face mask/hood thingy, nothing was said during the kick in or after and they don't know why they got it.
                              One was so scared he actually wet himself, one of the boys brothers was in the same class as my son and apparently got joy telling everyone about it because his big brother used to give him a beating. So he thought he would tell everyone about his big hero brother p****ing his pants & the fact he is now s**t scared to go any where alone.
                              I believe this is the only language louts like these understand, the justice system stinks. No more cane or a clip round the ear at school, kids divorcing their parents, you can't smack me etc etc b****y etc.
                              Its not the police's fault law is defined/laid down through the politicians, the police get as frustrated as you and me.

                              Only one man entered the houses of parliament with honourable intentions....

                              Guy Fawkes
                              ive been there seen it done it as well, as no one else except yourself can sort it out properly.
                              (='.'=) SQUIRREL MUNCHER GRRRRRRR

