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Nokia help............

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  • #16
    Its sorted thanks, but mrs is gutted as it had baby pictures on it from when baby lurch was in intensive care, and videos of him as he is growing up. The bloke in the phone shop tried to save but the memory had been wiped.......
    Working at last.......


    • #17
      i know its no consolation but get a mem card and save everything you do on the phone to it sorry to hear you have lost pics that were important to you both


      • #18
        The phone came with some nice speakers instead of a memory card, one now fitted. Thank you Gary.
        Working at last.......


        • #19
          Originally posted by Garygadget View Post
          if i re call correctly what you could try is this hold the power button the call button the * and the # all at the same time the phone will boot up and will do a master re set
          own up how many of you have gone and tried this since reading it????????????
          Surf.gone but not forgottendisco now gone aswell


          • #20
            Originally posted by mud skipper View Post
            own up how many of you have gone and tried this since reading it????????????
            i hope not many only if there nokia phone wont boot up


            • #21
              yoshie has had loads of grief with his nokia, batteries won't hold a charge.

              I have a sony, best bar none.

              yoshie "Didn't know they had a pill for laziness, anyway get well soon."


              • #22
                Yep i got 2 sonys and i quite like em, and mrs lurch has one as a spare, first time she had to use it and she was impressed with it too...
                Working at last.......

