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Prince bleedin Harry!

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  • #16
    Flower of Scotland is great, as is Mae Hen Wlad Fy Nhadau. Its just ours thats crap!
    Cutting steps in the roof of the world


    • #17
      I think Jerusalem is fantastic, but every time I hear it I realise someone has made a dreadful mistake and is working to a set of drawings to build beruit 'in Englands green and pleasant land'....
      it's in me shed, mate.


      • #18
        This should be the BRITISH anthem..........

        For Once In My Life I've Got Something To Say,
        I Wanna Say It Now For Now Is Today.
        A Love Has Been Given So Why Not Enjoy,
        So Let's All Grab And Let's All Enjoy!

        If The Kids Are United,
        Then We'll Never Be Divided.
        If The Kids Are United,
        Then We'll Never Be Divided.

        Just Take A Look Around You,
        What Do You See?
        Kids With Feelings,
        Like You And Me.
        Understand Him, He'll Understand You;
        For You Are Him, And He Is You.

        If The Kids Are United,
        Then We'll Never Be Divided.
        If The Kids Are United,
        Then We'll Never Be Divided.

        If The Kids Are United,
        Then We'll Never Be Divided.
        If The Kids Are United,
        Then We'll Never Be Divided.

        I Don't Want To Be Rejected,
        I Don't Want To Be Denied.
        Then Its Not My Misfortune,
        That I've Opened Up Your Eyes.

        Freedom Is Given,
        Speak How You Feel.
        I Have No Freedom,
        How Do You Feel?

        They Can Lie To My Face,
        But Not To My Heart.
        If We All Stand Together,
        It Will Just Be The Start...

        If The Kids Are United,
        Then We'll Never Be Divided.
        If The Kids Are United,
        Then We'll Never Be Divided.



        • #19
          I thought that the Archers theme was our national anthem.....
          Onwards Binky


          • #20
            Gotta be better than the current one. Wasn't it Billy Connelly that suggested it?
            Cutting steps in the roof of the world


            • #21


              • #22
                Originally posted by MattF View Post


                • #23
                  Originally posted by BUSHWHACKER View Post
                  I confess.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Apache View Post
                    Gotta be better than the current one. Wasn't it Billy Connelly that suggested it?
                    It was indeed.

                    Or how about Jasper Carrott's "funky moped"
                    Bring me the head of a treehugger


                    • #25
                      Spare Heirpiece

                      That Sky news programme of last night,
                      boasted One hell of a lot of footage considering its
                      supposedly only been collected over the TWO DAYS its been known he's there.

                      its another example of his loathsome lifestyle, he stamps his feet at not being able to shoot a gun in anger,

                      he's packed off to the current backwater battle front
                      to indeed shoot a gun

                      Ten Weeks later, apparently with Sky having enough footage in the can....

                      Harry on a motobike,
                      Harry shooting machine gun, (in another sandbagged bunker again)
                      Harry kicking a football around with tank cover on a base somewhere,

                      then all of a sudden he's bored with the whole gun/motorbike/football thing, its leaked out, amid massive press coverage,

                      back he flies again to a Nightclub in Knightsbridge, to don any number of hugely amusing Nazi costumes,

                      maybe go and shoot some more eagles on Grannies estate,

                      and generally annoy us all over again, in Hello magazine

                      cynical moi.....


                      • #26
                        Henry, don't mess about, just speak your mind...
                        it's in me shed, mate.


                        • #27
                          You may imagine

                          I'm a royalist but you'd actually be in error.



                          • #28
                            I wouldn't have thought it...
                            Still its a shame that someones politics can stop them appreciating the commitment Harry showed in going..
                            Still, none of them, no matter what the do will ever get any thanks, from those who oppose the monarchy,so I suppose it's no loss to get the stock answer rather than a moments thought first...
                            it's in me shed, mate.


                            • #29
                              i'm a royalist , a tory and proud of it , there has never been a labour goverment that has improved my lot (other than the one after ww11) so i will not vote for them on principle,and the shower of sh-t that are in power at the moment should be ashamed of themselves for the shortages of equipment supplied to our lads that are fighting anywhere in the world,now as far as harry is concerned at least he has been out there ,if push came to shove how many of you would be willing to go or at least fight on behalf of your country very few i would think as you have a choice, but once signed up for the armed forces you go where your sent , you can't cry in your beer and say you don't want to go ,you pack your kit and your away.the fact that harry is a royal only comes into the equation when it comes to the target issue so i think you should give credit where credit is due.
                              rant over i must lay off this cheap asda plonk on a saturday night


                              • #30
                                Not sure where you're coming from.

                                You join the Army, you go to war if asked. The 'ordinary' lads do it without complaint, so has Harry. As it should be.

                                What I do object to is the continuous fawning the media do over anything or anyone to do with royalty. All media people must be reporting the royals with one eye on a knighthood!

                                Regarding poor equipment getting to the front line, to a great extent, that is bullsh1t. Look at Apache. UK Apache as opposed to the USA version is the most potent AH in the world! I am not really exagerrating if I say it makes armoured vehicles (of an opposing side) obsolete. It is THE BEST, our pilots know it (I was on first name terms with a lot of them when I worked on it).

                                The problem (as always, through many governments, not just this one) is an overly procedural procurement and supply chain. No goverment, Labour or Tory has addressed this, as ALL of them prefer to line their own pockets on the back of the defence industry.
                                Cutting steps in the roof of the world

