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  • #16
    Originally posted by Mitsy View Post
    U have to think tho as well y all hangings, there must be a dozen ways to commit suiside, y all hangings?
    rope's cheaper than a gun?
    i swear, it was like that when i got here...


    • #17
      Trying to see it from their perspective and failing; what is making them think that their troubles are worse than yours or mine! They haven't ###### lived yet! Haven't these kids got guts anymore to be curious and see what life has mapped out for them? Are they so weak that the slightest hurdle in their lives they give up.

      What was serious to me 6months ago I can guarantee I've forgotten it today.

      We have experience first hand of a 'kid' on antidepressants and going through so called 'suffering'. It seems to me it's all about the drama! Perhaps get rid of all those stupid ###### soaps on the tele, C'MON not that much goes on in one street on a nightly basis!!!!!!

      If they have guts to kill themselves then they got guts to radically change their lives another way, pack a bag and work abroad for e.g. before you're too old and scared to do it.

      Mrs B

      P.s. Is it possible to get news on the t.v. that reports on more things positive??


      • #18
        Mrs B, good stuff.

        yoshie "Didn't know they had a pill for laziness, anyway get well soon."


        • #19
          i don't think it takes guts to kill yourself though.
          I really do think it takes a lot of fear and self loathing to tie a rope round your own neck and hang yourself.

          yoshie "Didn't know they had a pill for laziness, anyway get well soon."


          • #20
            People with guts live through wars, loss, trauma, death of family and freinds, heartache, losing your soulmate and still face life with a grin.

            that to me ,is a brave person.

            yoshie "Didn't know they had a pill for laziness, anyway get well soon."


            • #21
              I think I said the other day, half heartedly mind, that we could probably use another war, but right here, not thousands of miles away. The kids of today know hardly anything about the 2 world wars, just that something existed.

              Perhaps get rid of all those stupid ###### soaps on the tele
              - that's exactly the first step in getting back some respect in society! - it's clear the soaps have to keep pushing the boundaries just slightly to keep viewers 'shocked' and hooked, however as they're meant to be a reflection on real life, people think it's the norm so act the same way - like all the answering back to the parents and gobby teenagers. I tell you - someone should smack em HARD. Anyway now I'm ranting and need sleep.

              Oh and as for the EMO clan - damn! - you may listen to their music, ever really listened to the lyrics - Try that Simple Plan song (name -'Untitled'?) anyway it's from Smallville - would make anyone want to top themselves
              So very emotionally charged, but yet based on NO experience in life (you said it above and very true). "i've made my mistakes, got nowhere to run, the night goes on as I've faded away, I'm sick of this life, I just want to (scrafve?" - couldn't hear that lol) continuing... "how could this happen to me?" "Everybody's screaming, I try to make a sound but no one hears me...I'm slippin gof the edge I'm hanging by a thread" and it goes on.

              Right now I AM going to bed, bypassing the kitchen with the knives I might add.
              Live like ur gonna die, because ur gonna


              • #22
                As Bart Simpson said (and we can learn a lot from The Simpsons)

                "Making teenagers miserable is like shooting fish in a barrel"

                Thats what teenagers do, they're filled with angst for no particular reason.
                Cutting steps in the roof of the world


                • #23
                  Emo? I always thought he looked quite happy when he was in Sesame Street.

                  (A little late I know, but I haven't been well).

                  'Tis better to sting than to be stung!


                  • #24
                    Tesco; alcohol cheaper than pop, uh huh, alcohol is a depressant, uh huh, Gp's dole out the Xeroxat and tell them don't take with alcohol.. hmmm..

                    Pattern emerging?

                    Whatever the reason; I really believe if they need to talk they should be talking to their parents, why can't they? Idea here; parents need to recognise when to evolve into their friends and childlike treatment ends, well unless the 'child' wants affection of course.. I'm not saying stop the cuddles etc..

                    My parents, bless their souls, Mum terminally ill 12yrs and Pa gone now. My parents learned via me and Sis, 14ys between us. They learned to talk to me, spend time to understand me, learned that I was evolving into an individual that makes mistakes and learned to be there for me whatever, learned to communicate with me like an adult, learned not to chastise me like a small child. 'If you want to keep something you have to be prepared to let it go' ..that sort of thing. Their result is, my Sis and I speak of completey differnet parents, I'm more stable than her, don't smoke or drink much, not prepared to accept pills to cure my problems, stronger, have better morals and standards, know my mind, generally made better choices and have a better life.

                    So I personally think parents need to switch off the t.v., don't be scared and talk to them and bite your tongue before reacting to something you so don't approve of.

                    Even from babes come to think!! don't buy stupid so called 'baby gyms'.. C'MON.. don't buy into the marketing tools/shite, spend time with them. I sit with Craig for hours and guarantee I get more reaction and smiles than any stupid passifier!

                    Speaking of which, lil man needs me, Dad's working on the truck again


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by BUSHWHACKER View Post
                      Tesco; alcohol cheaper than pop, uh huh, alcohol is a depressant, uh huh, Gp's dole out the Xeroxat and tell them don't take with alcohol.. hmmm..

                      Pattern emerging?

                      Whatever the reason; I really believe if they need to talk they should be talking to their parents, why can't they? Idea here; parents need to recognise when to evolve into their friends and childlike treatment ends, well unless the 'child' wants affection of course.. I'm not saying stop the cuddles etc..

                      My parents, bless their souls, Mum terminally ill 12yrs and Pa gone now. My parents learned via me and Sis, 14ys between us. They learned to talk to me, spend time to understand me, learned that I was evolving into an individual that makes mistakes and learned to be there for me whatever, learned to communicate with me like an adult, learned not to chastise me like a small child. 'If you want to keep something you have to be prepared to let it go' ..that sort of thing. Their result is, my Sis and I speak of completey differnet parents, I'm more stable than her, don't smoke or drink much, not prepared to accept pills to cure my problems, stronger, have better morals and standards, know my mind, generally made better choices and have a better life.

                      So I personally think parents need to switch off the t.v., don't be scared and talk to them and bite your tongue before reacting to something you so don't approve of.
                      Even from babes come to think!! don't buy stupid so called 'baby gyms'.. C'MON.. don't buy into the marketing tools/shite, spend time with them. I sit with Craig for hours and guarantee I get more reaction and smiles than any stupid passifier!

                      Speaking of which, lil man needs me, Dad's working on the truck again
                      Totally agree, but if you manage it every time your a better man than me.
                      Do yourself a massive favour, print the above post and keep it till he is 14yr.

                      Mine are 13yr and 14yr and they have no instruction manual or owners repair book. It is scary sometimes, happy and funny at others.


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by yoshie View Post
                        Totally agree, but if you manage it every time your a better man than me.
                        Do yourself a massive favour, print the above post and keep it till he is 14yr.

                        Mine are 13yr and 14yr and they have no instruction manual or owners repair book. It is scary sometimes, happy and funny at others.
                        Got to agree with Yoshie there. I don't have any, but I don't plan to purely on the basis that I don't think I'd be up to the job.

                        Personally, I'd ignore the alcohol line and have a think about the old wacky weed. When I was at school, we were 'educated' in drug use in class and told the only downside of smoking dope was that it can lead to stronger drugs. So off we went safe in the knowledge that we would be fine as long as we didn't go for anything harder.

                        15-20 years down the line, weed is stronger, the advice has changed and a whole generation of kids is now growing up with varying degrees of mental illness. I know three people who've been sectioned over the last few years and a whole bunch more who wish they'd never touched the stuff.


                        • #27
                          I'm the very proud dad of a 3 year old boy and I would love to know what the future holds for him and me but I don't so I'll just have to be there for him and learn to trust him and hope he learns whats right and wrong and to understand that he can come to me about anything.

                          No-one has an easy time with kids and perhaps with all of modern lifes distractions the job is even harder but I really believe if you care for and love your kids you are doing the best job you can do.

                          I hear people say that kids grow up too quick these days and perhaps thats true, but kids are still kids and respond to love and affection in positive ways and if these things are provided then they can get over not getting the latest trainers or Xbox 360 or whatever.

                          Yoshie and myself have our mum to thank for everything in our lives and she still keeps us on the straight and narrow.
                          She allowed us to grow into being ourselves and the men we are today but we always new that she was right there for us, even when we messed up.

                          I'm pretty easy going and don't want much out of life because I have a great family and good friends who get me through the sticky patches, make me laugh and pick me up when I'm down.

                          i just wish everybody had the same, but sadly some don't and fall through the cracks into chaos, like drug addiction and alcoholism and no-one can get them back.

                          yoshie "Didn't know they had a pill for laziness, anyway get well soon."


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by KERRSURF View Post
                            sadly some don't and fall through the cracks into chaos, like drug addiction and alcoholism and no-one can get them back.
                            They can, of course, get themselves back but most lack the courage to do so, which is a real pity as it tends to be far easier than they imagine.


                            • #29
                              just read all the above replies.
                              One thing I learnt - Kerrsurf and Yoshie are brothers.

                              Seriously though, I am a dad of a 12 year old son and a 9 year old daughter. I think the only advise I can give is to know when to be your childs friend and know when to be their parent.
                              You cant be their friend all the time, and they dont want you to be. Children need to know they are loved and sometimes that is shown through your discipline of them. I think a child who knows boundries and rules as well as affection is a balanced child.

                              Keep on truckin'
                              私のホバークラフト は鰻が一杯です。


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by blackpoolsparks View Post
                                just read all the above replies.
                                One thing I learnt - Kerrsurf and Yoshie are brothers.

                                Seriously though, I am a dad of a 12 year old son and a 9 year old daughter. I think the only advise I can give is to know when to be your childs friend and know when to be their parent.
                                You cant be their friend all the time, and they dont want you to be. Children need to know they are loved and sometimes that is shown through your discipline of them. I think a child who knows boundries and rules as well as affection is a balanced child.

                                Keep on truckin'
                                Especially when they are pulling doughnuts in the snow in 2 ton trucks in opposite directions D

                                Before anyone moans they were on private land and there only 5 years shy of sitting their tests

