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  • #31
    After 6 n a quarter years she deserves all my respect, she's treated me well
    It ain't just a love thing it's a family, passion, lifestyle n respect for the Mark thing ....

    There's always a Payback .... Ya just never see it Comin !!!!
    Buncefield Burner


    • #32
      With mine it was “love at first sight” and I’d done a deal within half an hour of seeing her. I was gutted when the head gasket/s went 3 months later and I spent several days trying to decide if it was worth repairing…… but now (12 months later) I’m very glad that I did.

      I try my best to look after her… no silly antics at pay and play sites, but she does get muddy sometimes at the shooting ranges. Come next year I’ll finally be out of debt and will effectively have an extra 7k + per year. Not sure what I’ll do yet but I may buy a small sports or city car and keep the Surf as my shooting wagon to lug the rifles/shotguns and gear around. If/when my Surf dies, I’d like to replace it with another Toyota maybe a Land Cruiser.
      Mine WAS a 150 bhp V6 and ran on PETROL

