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A Cautionary Tale About Indian Meals.

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Albannach View Post
    You mixed your drinks, Cobra , wine and worst of all Stella. Your toilet escapades were nothing to do with the curry!
    You seem to have misunderstood my point, truth of the matter is instead of trying a little of this and that and partaking in only one brand of beverage I went for the full belly burster. I admit I only have myself to blame! My wife however had a lot less food and drink and she was a lot worse than me.

    Gonna give it another go, but this time I'll be sensible. Me intention was not to blame the meal but to point out that I should have been a lot more prudent in what, and how much, I had to eat and drink, seeing as it was my first ever Indian meal.

    Oh, and by the way, I've drank much worse combinations than Cobra, wine and Stella!

    Last edited by Scorpion; 21 January 2008, 22:11.
    'Tis better to sting than to be stung!


    • #17
      I love curries. The local Indian eating house always send me a Christmas card and a free lamb tikka. Yum. Although, my stomach has suffered on occasion.



      • #18
        Its generally not my stomach that suffers...

        Oh, and other people around me suffer when I've been for curry and beer...
        Cutting steps in the roof of the world

