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A Cautionary Tale About Indian Meals.

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  • A Cautionary Tale About Indian Meals.

    I'm in my early 50's and to my embarrassment I must admit I've never had an Indian meal before. I had a lot of trouble with IBS when I was younger and was told to stay off hot spicey food.

    Anyhoo a couple who we go out with on a weekend persuaded me (whilst under the influence of alcohol) that it would be a good idea to go out and try an Indian meal, as there was loads of choice and I didn't nessecarily have to go for a hot curry.

    So, to cut a long story short, we had the starter, poppadoms and pickle stuff, not too bad, but one of the green pickle things tasted like camphor oil!

    Then we had a tandoori mixed kebab, very nice, no real problem so far. Main meal was chicken bhuna, lovely, really enjoyed it with some nan bread. All washed down with Cobra beer and a few bottles of vino collapso.

    Went to another bar and finished off with a couple of pints of Stella. Lovely evening was had by all. Why on earth did I wait so long to do this I thought.

    But wait, there's more.......... 2.a.m comes around and my wife is projectile vomitting for 3 hours and I'm frightened to move in case I do the same. Next morning, when I had plucked up the courage to leave my bed, I spent most of the day on the toilet (thank God for my Nintendo DS Lite or I would have been very bored in there)!

    So the moral of the story is, when the doctor tells you not to eat spicey food, take his advice, or suffer the consequences!

    'Tis better to sting than to be stung!

  • #2
    Im a retired fan of the Asda curries!! (Apaches probably going to smack me silly for saying that)

    but ive kinda gone off them recently! They sit very heavily on me guts! Its just not comfortable an its not worth it really!

    The Purbani curries are awesome around here! but at £11 for some curry with rice an naan its expensive!!


    • #3
      Chicken curry is the only 'proper' meal i can cook, i'm gonna live on the stuff when I (read:- if I ever) leave home i reckon...
      =SOLD UP!=


      • #4
        Its all a matter of training... start mild (but away from rich, heavy, baby pewk like Korma) and work your way up. I can eat anything they throw at me these days.

        However, if I eat after about 9pm, I suffer all night!
        Cutting steps in the roof of the world


        • #5
          I started off with Chicken Korma or the Chicken Pasanda (like the Korma but made with almonds)

          Moved up to the Chicken Tikka Massala, Chicken Biryani (which is Pilau Rice with an omelette over the top and a vegetable curry to pour over it)

          Also have Chicken Balti. Love Bombay Potatoes (spicy) Poppadums, shish kebabs.

          A good starter to settle the stomach is Dhal.....lentil soup

          I prefer thai, but like you find it can affect my stomach due to the heat/spicy from chillis. Love a thai green curry


          • #6
            Whats the one with the hard boiled egg in it? That can be quite beneficial....
            it's in me shed, mate.


            • #7
              go for the ones with comedy names!!

              nicest ever was a "morrisey"!!!... but damn!... it was HOT!!

              ate it all, but couldn't taste much after the first 3 mouthfuls!!
              nee nar nee nar, i'm a fire engine!


              • #8
                In my book anything that burns more coming out than it did going in can't be right!
                Did I mention I have a BLUE one


                • #9
                  Ya know you've had a goodun when you pi$$ fire. meat phall will do it, dont matter what the meat is as you wont taste it, love me curries all sorts not just hot ones, bl00dy government banned the import of bombay duck, as it was "sun dried", loved em, the local chinese has turned me over last couple if times tho, unusual as it's ameamic looking runny curry with two peas in it,
                  Too young to die and too old to give a toss


                  • #10
                    Sounds more like food poisoning than curry to me.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Sancho View Post
                      Sounds more like food poisoning than curry to me.
                      Gotta agree with that!! Been eating curries forever, and I have eaten in some real shi**y curry houses all over the place, but never been ill like that Don't forget if you are ill after a curry, you have to factor in the evening on the pi$$ before the curry, and the copious amounts of Cobra and Stella during and after the meal

                      Cheers, Nick
                      "The force will be with you, always!"


                      • #12
                        in viz a few years ago,they advertised a certain indian on the big market,its product was called curry hell,there being a disclaimer that promised,

                        if you can eat a whole plateful of curry hell,you meal will be free

                        but the restaurant cannot be held responsible for your a55hole falling out

                        due to eating curry hell
                        Non intercooled nothing.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by gwh200 View Post
                          in viz a few years ago,they advertised a certain indian on the big market,its product was called curry hell,there being a disclaimer that promised,

                          if you can eat a whole plateful of curry hell,you meal will be free

                          but the restaurant cannot be held responsible for your a55hole falling out

                          due to eating curry hell
                          Look out Eastbourne, the Pandas are coming !


                          • #14
                            You mixed your drinks, Cobra , wine and worst of all Stella. Your toilet escapades were nothing to do with the curry!
                            Do you know that, with a 50 character limit, it's


                            • #15
                              Stick to Cobra, steer clear of rice if you're out for a few beers. Naan is better as it wont swell up and make you feel like you swallowed a football.
                              Cutting steps in the roof of the world

