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  • #16
    My advice would be "Go" ,went there a couple of years ago with wife had a great time,nice bars,restaurants etc, nice city


    • #17
      Originally posted by Muddy Boots View Post
      I going with the Mrs but I like your line of thinking there mate.

      jeez man!!!! that's like taking a plate of food from home to a restaurant when you go out for a meal!!! WAG's have no place going to Amsterdam with their men.
      i swear, it was like that when i got here...


      • #18
        go by plane ,its dead cheap.get a train to central station and right in the harbour is the botel,not to expensive.there are loads of neat places within easy reach by train or tram.up on the reclaimed bit (if memory serves me correctly)noordsee.you can get to volendam.its real nice,plenty of cheese and clogs

        right up on the northern peninsula is den helder,there is an ace submarine base up there and plenty of windmills.
        harleem is about a 20 minute tram ride to the south and is a dead nice place.

        in the centre itself is the van goch museum,anne franks house and lots of sex shops !!

        the red light area is right funny at night,we used to lead coach groups we had driven there,on foot around the canals and try and spot someone going in or coming out

        prague is nice,but extremely cold this time of year.its got very touristy
        and everywhere is covered in horse sh1t from the horse and carts.
        karlory vary,about 2 and a half hours south east is stunning(and some nice goulash shops)

        and a word of warning,there are guns every where

        personally i would go to somewhere like nice or perhaps ventigmilia,maybe nimes,just along the med coast
        Non intercooled nothing.


        • #19
          Originally posted by logey79 View Post
          jeez man!!!! that's like taking a plate of food from home to a restaurant when you go out for a meal!!! WAG's have no place going to Amsterdam with their men.

          Yeah, they should leave their men behind



          • #20
            Originally posted by The Lovely Boyo View Post
            My advice would be to go to Prague instead - much nicer city!

            Unless you're going to 'Dam for the nitelife and cafe 'culture', which is an entirely different matter.............
            As someone else said Prague is nice but very touristy, full of drunken British stag parties. I also remember the Mayor, or the chief of police saying

            Id rather have the city full of drunken Brits than sober germans,

            Сви можемо


            • #21
              Originally posted by jax View Post

              Yeah, they should leave their men behind

              who would they do there window shopping with
              Only Toyota can get you out of shite


              • #22
                Originally posted by joker?? View Post
                who would they do there window shopping with
                I thought it was the men who went window shopping in Amsterdam



                • #23
                  Originally posted by Muddy Boots View Post
                  Never been before and planning a long weekend any suggestions, recommendations or advice?

                  Watch out for cyclists, they nearly knock you over everywhere
                  If using the trains, be aware that there are multiple units joined together and at key areas (like central amsterdam) they split the trains east-west north-south. You have to look out for the stations/areas on the carriages themselves and it may not be the area/station your going to

                  eg. was working in Assen but had to get in the carriage earmarked for groningen about 15miles further up the line


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by jax View Post
                    I thought it was the men who went window shopping in Amsterdam
                    Does having your face stuck to the glass constitute window shopping?


                    • #25
                      After watching eurotrip .......don't let them know it's your first time

