OK, I am posting this from a farmer's point of view.
Just because a field looks rough, doesn't have a gate and lies in water DOES NOT mean it's fair game. Some of my fields are like that as I am in a countryside scheme to preserve wildlife and wetlands. The fields have to be left uncultivated for a specified time. Farmers are paid to keep fields like this and could easily lose thousands of pounds if people skid about in trucks and leave muddy tracks and deep holes. Twenty minutes pleasure for someone turns into 2 days work for the farmer to get the land back to normal. I know this from bitter experience. Would they like it if I took a detour over their nice lawn on my way to the shops?
I don't want to sound obnoxious but I feel it has to be said.
Just because a field looks rough, doesn't have a gate and lies in water DOES NOT mean it's fair game. Some of my fields are like that as I am in a countryside scheme to preserve wildlife and wetlands. The fields have to be left uncultivated for a specified time. Farmers are paid to keep fields like this and could easily lose thousands of pounds if people skid about in trucks and leave muddy tracks and deep holes. Twenty minutes pleasure for someone turns into 2 days work for the farmer to get the land back to normal. I know this from bitter experience. Would they like it if I took a detour over their nice lawn on my way to the shops?
I don't want to sound obnoxious but I feel it has to be said.