By God, you lot know how to turn a simple question into a drawn out affair.
Yes, he can Rich. Selecting to do a fresh install will wipe any existing O.S off of the machine and install XP. Warranty wise, no-one can refuse a warranty unless any alterations have created the fault which is being claimed for under warranty, and an O.S install cannot cause problems, other than O.S based, of which, those which are O.S based they can refuse to sort. Hardware wise, however, the warranty is untouched and will remain so.
Yes, he can Rich. Selecting to do a fresh install will wipe any existing O.S off of the machine and install XP. Warranty wise, no-one can refuse a warranty unless any alterations have created the fault which is being claimed for under warranty, and an O.S install cannot cause problems, other than O.S based, of which, those which are O.S based they can refuse to sort. Hardware wise, however, the warranty is untouched and will remain so.