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NHS, don't you love it?

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  • NHS, don't you love it?

    so sunday night saw my Iguana go all al qaeda and the fecker terrorised me. he lept off the top of a wardrobe and bit the back of my head 4 times, my hand twice and scratched the shoit out of my left arm on his way to the ground.

    so i cleaned the cuts up and put some anti septic cleaning gunk on them and thought nothing more of it, until this morning, when i suddenly remembered that i'm probably overdue a tetanus jab. so i phoned my doctor's surgery which was a mistake as the place isn't actually there to do anything other than tell you to go to A+E...for absolutely anything, unless you're a junkie they don't want to know about helping you.

    so, off to A+E, "this is a job for your GP" then i explained the GP sent me to A+E and then it changed to "you should have come in when the attack happened" i was just about to have a rant at the daft bitch, then i just thought, screw it i cannot be @rsed with this, so just apologised for being a TAXPAYING - NON JUNKIE, NON SMOKING, WHITE BRITISH CITIZEN AND NOT AN ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT and asked how long i'd have to wait...3-4 hours.

    goodbye was my reply.

    anyway...when my jaw locks up at least i'll still be able to type my complaints to you guys!
    i swear, it was like that when i got here...

  • #2
    I'm no racist and all that, blah, blah, but I bet you would have been seen quicker if you spoke Polish.................

    Cheers, Nick
    "The force will be with you, always!"


    • #3
      it's just bollicks. its not so much the time factor, but for a jab?
      when i put my back out i had no choice but to call an ambulance...which instead of taking me to a hospital takes me to the doctors surgery, where they woiuld only see me if i walked through the doors, so i struggled like hell to walk to save a hospital bed for someone who may genuinely need it, you know with broken legs or something really serious.

      but a little injection is beyond a GP, and you have to clog up the hospital??? its nuts, complete B.S and in all seriousness, if you're a paying member of this cr@ppy society, you're also in the category that gets the least assitance when you do actually need it....but pump sh1t through a vain in a squat and OD they'll treat you immediately and spend a fortune of TAXPAYERS money sorting you out!!!

      Break into a persons house and get bit by the owners dog...you get seen immediately before being arrested, then released pleased in the knowledge you can sue the person whose dog bit you even though you've broken into THEIR home.

      its a country full of C U Next Tuesdays, paying for feck all and getting a life of comfort with naff all effort.
      i swear, it was like that when i got here...


      • #4
        Originally posted by logey79
        "you should have come in when the attack happened" !
        So what? the fact is, its happened. just because you came in the next day doesnt mean its not important any more.
        i would persist with your gp, sounds like they arnt doing their job. and if they still refuse then report them.. you dont have to go with that GP, there are others.
        there needs to be more funding with hospitals. i see all the other government organisations striking, but never seen that with the hospitals. (its not NHS anymore)
        i would hate to work in a hospital, and a lot of respect goes out to them. the stuff that they deal with.
        i think pay rises should be on a per performance basis

        you could look at it this way:
        your probably fine,
        but if your not, then you can dial 999 and get it sorted straight away. i dont think the 4-hour rule applies when your dieing
        Oh Nana, what's my name?


        • #5
          Originally posted by dieselboy

          you could look at it this way:
          your probably fine,
          but if your not, then you can dial 999 and get it sorted straight away. i dont think the 4-hour rule applies when your dieing
          thats my plan. if after a few weeks i'm not lockjawed and can walk, talk, sleep, eat drink and fart then i'll try booking a GP appointment for a jab on the basis that i'm going on a safari or some BS.

          in the mean time if drop down dead, offers for the Goldmember can be made to my family and the proceeds can go toward the M.I.T.N.A.S. fund (Mental Iguanas That Need A Slap).
          i swear, it was like that when i got here...


          • #6
            Originally posted by dieselboy
            So what? the fact is, its happened. just because you came in the next day doesnt mean its not important any more.
            i would persist with your gp, sounds like they arnt doing their job. and if they still refuse then report them.. you dont have to go with that GP, there are others.
            there needs to be more funding with hospitals. i see all the other government organisations striking, but never seen that with the hospitals. (its not NHS anymore)
            i would hate to work in a hospital, and a lot of respect goes out to them. the stuff that they deal with.
            i think pay rises should be on a per performance basis

            you could look at it this way:
            your probably fine,
            but if your not, then you can dial 999 and get it sorted straight away. i dont think the 4-hour rule applies when your dieing
            The problem is too much money is been spent on managers & not enough on doctors and nurses, & Europe poke their noses in far too much
            Bring me the head of a treehugger


            • #7
              Originally posted by logey79
              offers for the Goldmember can be made to my family and the proceeds can go toward the M.I.T.N.A.S. fund (Mental Iguanas That Need A Slap).
              Oh Nana, what's my name?


              • #8
                hello mate you need to back to the GP and insist that he see's you he cant refuse, you have been bitten by a lizard that could have infected you with the salmonela bacteria. You have a right to be seen under the NHS charter.
                SWIFT AND BOLD


                • #9
                  i know about the salmonella thing too, which is why i'm OTT with the hygiene with the Iguana's vivarium and after handling him, but didn't realise that can be passed through a bite too!!! oh well, i need to lose the weight i put on when my back was fecked, so a dose of that might be ideal..

                  ..second thoughts, kind of hard to puke through a locked jaw!!! (which i done in a hospital when i broke my jawand nose when i was 17!!!)
                  i swear, it was like that when i got here...


                  • #10
                    That will do it every time. There is no real evidence to say that it can be passed through a bite but the thoery is sound. Go to the GP tell him or should i say the receptionist, (who think they are doctors) that they have a duty of care. and that you are quite happy to sue them latter on if you become ill.
                    SWIFT AND BOLD


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by charvell
                      quite happy to sue them latter on if you become ill.
                      january anf february are very quiet work months for me, so if i do get sick, i'll not miss much being off ill watching dvds all day and i'll get paid to sleep, and puke and the other!
                      i swear, it was like that when i got here...


                      • #12
                        You should work for the NHS. When Ma chaos was admitted before xmas she was pushed up the que because she works for NHS. Still waited 12 hours to get onto a ward, and we're still waiting some test results to come back though. She says it's daft how the system works as they can afford pointless middle managers by the dozen, but can't afford to proper cleaners of bed linen or doctors and nurses.
                        Hold my beer and watch this


                        • #13
                          NHS is naff, just wasted an entire morning at the hospital, i had an 11 oclock appointment and was told sorry the scecialist is off sick, we'll send you another appointment, i got the bus there as it's near impossible to park in there, whole bl00dy morning!! think they'd have let people know, there was some right old moaning going on,

                          whats up with the lizard then? bad day!! make a handbag out the fecker,
                          we looked after a bearded lizard from the play school over christmas, it took an instant dislike to me, fine with everyone else, never give it chance to bit me but it opened it's gob at me every time i looked at it, should have the ba$tard
                          Too young to die and too old to give a toss


                          • #14
                            i know its not the NHS but i had the same sort of thing with SS and when i returned to work after 10 months on the sick i asked if i can have some help with money as i was gonna be 5 weeks without a penny and they said no and i gave the same reply as Logey and walked out.Its disgusting that a British Citizen thats worked all his/her life cannot not help when needed


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by logey79

                              in the mean time if drop down dead, offers for the Goldmember can be made to my family and the proceeds can go toward the M.I.T.N.A.S. fund (Mental Iguanas That Need A Slap).
                              OFFERS................you have to pay some one to take the gaymobile, as most (except gwh ) wouldn't be seen dead in it

