I'd start by replaceing the resistor to that bank, you should be able to take it to somewhere like maplin's and get one of the same value, tell by the coloured rings on it, but first check the solder joints on it, i had a similar prob with rodleaches heater controll, joint looked ok but when you touched it or wiggled it about it went off, try resoldering it, definatly sounds like a bad solder joint Andy,
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Originally posted by POPEYEI'd start by replaceing the resistor to that bank, you should be able to take it to somewhere like maplin's and get one of the same value, tell by the coloured rings on it, but first check the solder joints on it, i had a similar prob with rodleaches heater controll, joint looked ok but when you touched it or wiggled it about it went off, try resoldering it, definatly sounds like a bad solder joint Andy,
Originally posted by breakdowntruck2i cant solder to save my life lol,fancy a look at it?Too young to die and too old to give a toss