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whats your best thing about xmas dinner or the day itself

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  • #16
    Got my kids a mask covered in coloured LEDs.

    I like to watch their little faces light up
    Cutting steps in the roof of the world


    • #17
      Originally posted by Apache
      Got my kids a mask covered in coloured LEDs.

      I like to watch their little faces light up
      Where is Vince with the Captain Mainwaring when you need him?
      Paul </Slugsie>
      Immortal.so far!


      • #18
        Hang on, here we go.

        Paul </Slugsie>
        Immortal.so far!


        • #19
          Or is it this one?

          Paul </Slugsie>
          Immortal.so far!


          • #20
            Originally posted by Apache
            Got my kids a mask covered in coloured LEDs.

            I like to watch their little faces light up
            You deserve a good slap for that one.


            • #21


              • #22
                Escaping to harris this year, geting away from all the madness


                • #23
                  Originally posted by sv1000spilot
                  Ahh good. Another person that shares my view

                  Got my black santa hat ready
                  Got one of those too, not the biggest fan of the festive season
                  Hold my beer and watch this


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by BUSHWHACKER
                    The whole Xmas thing has a different feel for us this year, obviously!

                    Bring it on.
                    me 2
                    Bring me the head of a treehugger


                    • #25
                      "whats your best thing about xmas dinner or the day itself?"

                      Going to church- or I am the only one here who remembers why we are celebrating Christmas? Putting the CHRIST back into Christmas <><


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by laser_jock@work
                        "whats your best thing about xmas dinner or the day itself?"

                        Going to church- or I am the only one here who remembers why we are celebrating Christmas? Putting the CHRIST back into Christmas <><
                        Sorry, but I'm a 100%, died-in-the-wool atheist.

                        Paul </Slugsie>
                        Immortal.so far!


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by laser_jock@work
                          Going to church- or I am the only one here who remembers why we are celebrating Christmas? Putting the CHRIST back into Christmas <><
                          For some of us, it is of the same ilk as the likes of Bonfire Night or suchlike. It's an annual day of some meaning. That doesn't mean you have to be interested in the initial concept or such. I'm an Atheist, but yes, I love Christmas Day. As I mentioned, in my opinion it's an annual festivity/tradition, nothing more.

                          And to be pedantic, due to the Gregorian/Julian calendar issue, Christmas Day is not actually directly related to the birth of Christ.
                          Last edited by MattF; 5 December 2007, 14:19.


                          • #28
                            Xmas is for kids, thats it!


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by laser_jock@work
                              "whats your best thing about xmas dinner or the day itself?"

                              Going to church- or I am the only one here who remembers why we are celebrating Christmas? Putting the CHRIST back into Christmas <><
                              mrs gwh is a practising christian,and i am an atheist,but we just both look upon christmas as a celebration,for friends ,family and the movies of ian fleming.
                              Non intercooled nothing.


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by gwh200
                                mrs gwh is a practising christian,and i am an atheist,but we just both look upon christmas as a celebration,for friends ,family and the movies of ian fleming.

                                And Julie Andrews dude!

