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darn gosh blasted rear window - Please help

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  • darn gosh blasted rear window - Please help

    Hi All,

    I know there have been a few posts about servicing the rear window, and after having read a few of these a few weeks ago, (the rear window was slowing down) I was forced to try and service it myslef today, after the damn thing stopped working all together.

    I have tried greasing it, then tried WD40, and wiped all the gunk out, and it seemed to be solving the problem, but after putting it all back together, the rear window winds down ok ish, (as it always did), but on the way up after about half way the window slows down to a creep and it almost sounds like the motor is slipping, and a little bit of a grinding sound (not like its chewing itself to pieces).

    Its the same with the key or the button in cab, has anyone else experienced this? or have you got any suggestions for a lube i can use to cure the problem? At this rate I may have to take the glass out and strip it completely. Grrr

    Please help I dont want to make myself bald at the age of 26


    Last edited by adm_sx; 16 November 2007, 18:15.

  • #2
    I don't have a key hole for my boot wonder why not


    • #3
      Replace the motor, or dismantle it and glue the two discs that have become de-bonded. It's a fairly common problem. There's a fair few motors that'll fit as a replacement aswell, pretty much any door window motor from pretty much any toyota of the same age. Pass. side fits straight in drivers side has to be turned 180 degrees but does fit. Wiring plugs may need chomping off and swapping.

      This will help if you decide to fix the one you got http://forums.bauchan.org/genu/artic....php?news_id=2
      =SOLD UP!=


      • #4
        Thanks Nero,

        I'll try that over the next day or so. do you know if whilst repairing the parts which need gluing the window can be put up and secured? I have to leave the car on the road overnight and dont want to leave it open!




        • #5
          Originally posted by adm_sx
          Thanks Nero,

          I'll try that over the next day or so. do you know if whilst repairing the parts which need gluing the window can be put up and secured? I have to leave the car on the road overnight and dont want to leave it open!


          just wedge a piece of wood in the tailgate to hold the window up and it should stay there for as long as you need it to.
          Swap the motor from the rear passenger door so you can still use the tailgate and the tailgate motor may well be ok just for the door window


          • #6
            Thanks storm,

            I don't want to strip the rear door window motor as well if i can help it, due mostly to time constraints, a day without access to the boot is no big deal, will wedge the window up though

            The repair guide didnt specify if the window has to be wound out to remove the motor is that the case? or can i get away with doing it with the window wound down?




            • #7
              There's also a couple of holes in the regulator you could put a bolt through to keep the window up if they line up with it up if that makes sense, i'm not sure if they do line up or not though with the window fully up, they line up somewhere else, but there may be more than one set of holes, i'm still not sure i said that right, i am sure it doesn't make sense but i know what i'm trying to say, ask and someone may be able to decipher my ramblings.
              =SOLD UP!=


              • #8
                thanks again nero,

                I think I follow your thinking, or posting I am back at work tomorrow, and may or may not get a chance to look at lunch time.

                I am hoping that it will be strait foreward and I can glue it easily, I need to find some serious glue though, as I want to make sure it'll stick




                • #9
                  Two pack areldite works a treat mind it's the top plate under the ribber lip you are popping off and bonding.
                  KERRSURF did his last weekend but he ended up replacing it with an mr2 window motor as we got one local.
                  8mm ratchet spanner makes the job 5 min get a mate to keep an eye on the window and support it as you need to raise it once the tailgate is open to get easy access to motor nuts. You need to trip the locks on both sides of tailgate or window wont work


                  • #10
                    hi adam did mine a fewq weeks ago its quite easy,i u get stuck give me a shout if ya like?


                    • #11
                      Cheers Yoshie, I did operate the window earlier to lube it up Will invest in a ratchet spanner though! I keep looking at them in the shop thinking something along the lines of, they are cool dad has some would save soo much time but can't justify "More $%^&ing Spanners" to the other half

                      Thanks Breakdown, will remember that!! Have to do the rear springs in the new year Although I am told thats a doddle too! At least it would be if i still had access to the 50 ton jack guess I'll be robbing axle stands from dad instead!!!

                      Cheers all,

                      I'm off on standby to take the neighbour to hospital to give birth if the hot bath does the trick



                      • #12
                        Originally posted by adm_sx
                        I'm off on standby to take the neighbour to hospital to give birth if the hot bath does the trick

                        give her a curry and get the motor running ready !!!
                        Look out Eastbourne, the Pandas are coming !


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by adm_sx
                          Cheers Yoshie, I did operate the window earlier to lube it up Will invest in a ratchet spanner though! I keep looking at them in the shop thinking something along the lines of, they are cool dad has some would save soo much time but can't justify "More $%^&ing Spanners" to the other half

                          Thanks Breakdown, will remember that!! Have to do the rear springs in the new year Although I am told thats a doddle too! At least it would be if i still had access to the 50 ton jack guess I'll be robbing axle stands from dad instead!!!

                          Cheers all,

                          I'm off on standby to take the neighbour to hospital to give birth if the hot bath does the trick

                          no probs just dont leave yr window open in worthin hospital car park!!!!


                          • #14
                            sorry to say this but its late and im tired but if you do a search you will find a really good write up that i followed to fix mine. all of a sudden mine just stopped altogether.

                            basically there is the motor connected to the window mech with a rubber sandwich in between (god knows why) but its all glued together, so after a while of it being stiff i think this just gets ruined,.

                            mine pretty much fell apart on removing it, so i got a welder and bridged the two metal pieces together over the rubber bit. and its been fine since. its even stronger now and goes up pretty quickly.

                            good luck1!
                            Oh Nana, what's my name?

