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  • #31
    Originally posted by johnd
    had a box of .22 tracer a few years back ( cr@p ) but no .223

    It's not too bad in an indoor range with the lights out - just about ignites in 25 metres BUT it stinks like hell !

    Life is too important to take seriously !


    • #32
      saturday night, stood in my bosses kitchen raiding the fridge...

      firework came in the door, hit mrs mick on the head, bounced off the wall... bounced off the fridge... headed straight for me... spun across the room and back out the door!!!

      (was a little brown trouser moment though!!)
      nee nar nee nar, i'm a fire engine!


      • #33
        Originally posted by Predictable Bob

        It's not too bad in an indoor range with the lights out - just about ignites in 25 metres BUT it stinks like hell !

        the stuff i had was used on an outside 50mtr range and you could just see a quick flash and that was it.
        we got a load of surplus 308 that had a load of tracer mixed in but the rfd nicked it all and i got the job of breaking it all down in to links of 10, 3,000 rnds took me a whole sunday to do it but it was 6p a round so all good ( arrrr them where the days......)
        i bust things ,, it a skill i have ,,( need help?)


        • #34
          Check that out then


          Good site is www.liveleak.com plenty of war zone bombs/tracers etc,..


          • #35
            Originally posted by coolsv650
            It's like Bagdad on a bad night here. Even PC plod's chopper is up in the sky.

            It's been like it for a few weeks.

            must have a big fuel tank!
            Oh Nana, what's my name?


            • #36
              John D

              A while back went lamping around loggerheads used .22tracer, flat out to 70-80yds then dropped like a brick, just had to check for FIRES after shooting. cheers jim

