After 18 days waiting I finally have my Surf back on the road. The exhaust arrived from Japan and the MOT was redone. Took it for a 24 mile drive last night and it is running great, gone is that annoying rattle (must have been the baffles inside the old exhaust) so I am happy again
One thing I have found having used the train to travel to / from work for the last 3 weeks is that I can save money…..
To use the Surf costs: £6.60 per day (24 mile round trip), £2.30 tunnel, £1.26 parking, Total = £10.16 per day.
Where as the train is £4.50 return saving me £5.66 per day. I know it may not seem much but it is £113 per month so over a year £1,358… more than enough to cover my insurance, tax, MOT / repairs
One downside of the train is the ½ mile walk between the station and work so I’m thinking of buying one of those folding bikes and just use the Surf when the weather is really bad.

One thing I have found having used the train to travel to / from work for the last 3 weeks is that I can save money…..

Where as the train is £4.50 return saving me £5.66 per day. I know it may not seem much but it is £113 per month so over a year £1,358… more than enough to cover my insurance, tax, MOT / repairs
