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Postal strike

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  • #16
    Originally posted by pirate-storm
    wasnt it on msn other day i said i need glasses as i thought you nickname said the long w@@@it lol anyway skull not here so you wont find me i hide in the pub somewhere lol p.s dont forget we got border control also
    Ah yes i remember now. Aparently stormy wants to take me laning in st just. Only i dont want to tow him homw when he breaks his truck again
    Without Surf And Unhappy


    • #17
      I’m still waiting for something I bought from e-bay on the 4th October.
      The dammed stupid Liverpool Postmen have really screwed things up with their wildcat strikes! We are only just starting to get our post here at work (Liverpool Uni). We had a few special delivery items yesterday (with the labels ripped off) and the Porters seem to be sorting regular post items at reception this morning.

      I may have felt sorry for the Postmen for the first couple of days….. but I sure as hell don’t now!
      Mine WAS a 150 bhp V6 and ran on PETROL


      • #18
        Hehehe! trust the scoucers to pi$$ backwards
        Too young to die and too old to give a toss


        • #19
          bought an intercooler off e-bay a couple of weeks ago, came down from Newcastle and it got here in 2 days. Friend of mine works in a post office and she told me that they're giving priority to the special delivery and recorded delivery to clear the backlog. As a result 2nd class post will be sent by pidgeons
          Hold my beer and watch this


          • #20
            Originally posted by PDR
            I’m still waiting for something I bought from e-bay on the 4th October.
            The dammed stupid Liverpool Postmen have really screwed things up with their wildcat strikes! We are only just starting to get our post here at work (Liverpool Uni). We had a few special delivery items yesterday (with the labels ripped off) and the Porters seem to be sorting regular post items at reception this morning.

            I may have felt sorry for the Postmen for the first couple of days….. but I sure as hell don’t now!
            I spoke to a local postman today and he confimed Liverpool is a mess. I'll give it a few days, if somebody in liverpool is still waiting for mail what hope have I.
            I thought wildcat strikes went out with British leyland.... they will only kill their own industry..

            Back in the day Baby


            • #21
              liverpool post strike

              Originally posted by POPEYE
              Hehehe! trust the scoucers to pi$$ backwards
              Hia All, i am not a regular writer to this forum, but have asked a few questions now and again which some good soles on here have put me to rights on. But being a scouser i object to getting tarnished with comments like the 2 that have appeared on this post. We are not all robbers and theives here, i for one am allways willing to help if i can anyone who i think i can pull out of a problem. If the person who is trying to obtain a parcel from a buisness up here wishes me to call at the firm he ordered parts from ,i will call and check it out for them. So please do not tarnish us all with the same brush. I am quite sure you have thieves and robbers in your towns aswell. Its just maybe its hushed up before it gets out to the rest of the country. Alf Owen

