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a very,very sad day.

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  • #31
    Originally posted by surfenstein
    firstly i would like to apologise for my behaviour over the last couple of weeks,and i would like to share this with all of you,my extended family and some of you that i consider close friends.as some of you may know,my father has been battling with cancer for nearly two years now.those two years have had there ups and downs and its been a real emotional rollercoaster, just as we all thought he was going to pull through.he was rushed into hospital at the weekend,with breathing difficulties.and in the early hours of this morning he sadly passed away peacefully in his sleep.as a growing lad my father was everything to me,he taught me everything i know about fabrication and motor skills.wkend after wkend we would be in the garage working on one thing or another.not only was he my father but he was my best friend.i will miss him very much.thanks for everything.
    its hard i know lost all most every one close to me too to the big C
    your saddness in shared with in us
    iam truley sorry for your loss
    am not die lex sick its you that cant read mate


    • #32
      Sorry to hear that Mark, I hope I'm 1/2 father to my childern as your dad was to you
      I Love Wales


      • #33
        Sorry to hear about your loss Mark. Greatest sympathy to you and your family.
        www.scottishmudclub.com for scottish events


        • #34
          So sorry mark for your loss , i cant imagine what you must be feeling like right now. Chin up, the ruck family.


          • #35
            My sympathies are with you and your family, I too lost my Father to cancer some 25 years ago, so know the heartache you're going through.

            Time is a great healer, and as said, there will be a time after the pain that you'll have fond memories of the times you spent together, although it'll still bring a tear to your eyes when you think of the happy times.

            The next few/several months will be difficult, but again as said we are all here if you need us.

            There are really no words that will help right now, but He will always be with you in spirit.


            Still working for the man!


            • #36
              Deepest sympathies m8, I think most of us know how bad it hits when you loose a loved one, but only hits home when you go through it yourself. Chin up, glass up and remember the highs and as said before anything we can do to ease the pain, you know where we are.


              • #37
                Mark sorry to hear about the loss of your father, i feel for you as i have just lost my father in law to cancer back in August aged 60 and 3 days.
                Surf.gone but not forgottendisco now gone aswell


                • #38
                  I have a lump in my throat as I read your post. I know the pain that you're going through. It will get better in time but let yourself grieve as much as you like as part of the healing process.

                  I spent years bottling up my sad feelings and trying to be strong for my mum and sister when my dad died when I was young. I lost a dear 'father figure' friend a few weeks ago and it's bl**dy tough. Chin up, you can get through this. I firmly believe your dad will never be far away. There will be times when you will feel his presence, I guarantee it.



                  • #39
                    Deepest sympathies mate, i too lost my dad to the big C, and as many have said, it doesn't get any better-it just gets gradually easier to bear. I have a personal reminder of watching my dad pass away (in a hospice) as one of my daughters was born 6 hours later and i was there too!
                    If theres anything i can do(even if its just listen) PM me.
                    All the best
                    www.amcbs.webeden.co.uk www.xjrestorations.co.uk


                    • #40
                      Deepest sympathys mate . Very similar to myself with a childhood spent with my dad dismantalling things , rebuilding etc. Also lost my dad to cancer after he fought it a couple of times and was feeling the best in a long time.
                      Still miss him , but know what I know and do I owe to him when working on projects and now in the job I do .

                      Remember we are here for you

                      Rick and Tam
                      Rick...Member of 1st Gen club. ONE LIFE ... GET ONE !!


                      • #41
                        Sorry to hear of your loss, know how it feels. Hope you are coping?
                        Nil illegitimi carborundum


                        • #42
                          hey mark
                          i so sorry mate i understand how you feel buddy
                          my dad and yours sound very alike
                          my dad taught me loads too and he is still my Hero buddy
                          i miss him every day and he been gone 10 years now
                          but you got this to carry around with you always
                          he taught you good, he was your best mate, your dad is always never far away mark he is inside you and around you every minute of every day.
                          Enjoying Life after Cancer


                          • #43

                            sorry to hear your sad news mark . i also lost my father the same way . really feel for you as it brings it all back to me . all the best to you and your family . celebrate the good times you had together m8 .
                            black n tan
                            black n tan
                            yes i am a dobermann man


                            • #44
                              Hi Mate, I havn't been a member for long and i watch and read more than contribute but I dont think you need to apologise for anything. Please accept my condolenses, God bless


                              • #45
                                condolences to you and the family, all are thinking of you

