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Quite fancy this for the money.

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  • #16
    Originally posted by BUSHWHACKER
    I'm mortgage free!!
    And me!
    Mike G


    • #17
      Originally posted by Bogus
      Another plot by successive governments which has gone on unabated for the last 40 years. Create a nation of homeowners, with mortgages and you create a nation of controlled sheep who cant, wont rock the boat, cos they have a millstone rounnd their neck. Sell all the council houses off to achieve the aim, next generations choice is then to buy, or live in a sink estate as all the good ones are now private estates rather than council. Theyve got you now, a nation obsessed with property ownership, property prices, mortgage rates and so on. When I was a kid, everybody lived in council houses ( slight exaggeration). I was brought up in a "tied" house. It was no big deal. I think that the right to buy thing, and the subsequent failure of councils to increase stock, ( and how could they without funds) was not necessarily a good thing. I dont think our national obsession with property and its price is necessarily a good thing, but then again Im an old git


      Yeah, there is a lot of what you say that makes sense. The trouble is now, people can't afford a house as they are beyond reach for 1st time buyers, and there is no council housing available (unless your an immigrant) so you have to rent, which is more expensive than the other two and is also dead money.

      I left the Army when house prices were too high, I'm stuffed and can't buy a house. There is no chance of a council house as they are given to immigrants with 10 kids and £40,000 a year social security wage, so that leaves renting, which believe me is bl00dy expensive. It's also dead money, as any rise in prices means I can't take advantage of that. The only option is move abroad and buy a place there. I'm hoping to do this in the next few years. It is thoroughly depressing.


      • #18
        Originally posted by BUSHWHACKER
        I'm mortgage free!!
        me too, but then I haven't started one yet
        Hold my beer and watch this


        • #19
          you'll be fine jason,just rob a bank!!!

          im mortage free(well 1 mortgage) the other one has 7 years to go
          Non intercooled nothing.


          • #20
            Good job i'm only small - think i'll be living in the back of my surf. Chintz curtains anyone?
            Binky rides again........


            • #21
              uk is cheaper that you think
              loop hole in the law in the uk
              green belt land is very cheap i mean cheap
              look at just green belt with no building on it allowed
              it works out that 37 acres in green belt you pick up at about 40 grand
              in placers its works out at 6 grand a feild
              yep that cheap
              if you find any and that means any old footings to any building that has once been on that land you can rebuild that building (no one can stop you )
              just let the site be proper looked by them history nut's
              its just a case of doing your home work
              if you are looking for green belt land like i have for last 3 years just its never round were i wont it to be (i want a 4x4 track of my own)
              tell me were and i will look for you to see if any is up for sale
              am not die lex sick its you that cant read mate

