heating engineer by trade but now produce demo units for fire services UK wide and further with a bit of luck if anyone can be @rsed www.fatfires.com - does what it says on the label!!!!!
No announcement yet.
what do you all do
Geologist - currently working a a technical consultant in an oil service software company, and help oil company geologists make 3D computer models of oil field reservoirs, so we can work out how much oil there is and how to get it outLandcruiser Colorado
Sub. Forester
i work for large toy manufacturer and make all their tv adverts. In the last eleven months i've made around 300 - which is a heck of a lot! Its probably me you all curse on a saturday morning when your kids watch telly and start asking for toys when the ads come on.adam
"silly keeps you sane"
I'm a Shell Tanker Driver, well now owned by GB Oils (used to be Cory Oil, then Shell Direct) and we are called Emo Oil which gets a big reaction from the kids when they see the tanker and they take pictures of it on their mobiles
I deliver domestic heating fuel, gas oil & derv to farms etc.
I am also a time served light vehicle motor tech - fitter
Have now handed my notice in after being in the fuel trade for 18 years !
There is only so much sh*t you can take as the new owners (see above) have in the last three years made the job sooooooo stressful and don't think you have a home to go to, expecting you to do 12hr days.
So will try being self employed as oil fired boiler tech.
BTW - Have got sell my Surfand am looking for a ex-british gas racked out Combo/Kangoo van.
Life on the edge is short, but the view is great !
Originally posted by PaffI'm a Shell Tanker Driver, well now owned by GB Oils (used to be Cory Oil, then Shell Direct) and we are called Emo Oil which gets a big reaction from the kids when they see the tanker and they take pictures of it on their mobiles
I deliver domestic heating fuel, gas oil & derv to farms etc.
I am also a time served light vehicle motor tech - fitter
Have now handed my notice in after being in the fuel trade for 18 years !
There is only so much sh*t you can take as the new owners (see above) have in the last three years made the job sooooooo stressful and don't think you have a home to go to, expecting you to do 12hr days.
So will try being self employed as oil fired boiler tech.
BTW - Have got sell my Surfand am looking for a ex-british gas racked out Combo/Kangoo van.
but i'd rather be self employed than work for a boss anyday, even with the silly hours.i swear, it was like that when i got here...
Originally posted by logey79oh to have a 12 hr day!!!
but i'd rather be self employed than work for a boss anyday, even with the silly hours.Life on the edge is short, but the view is great !