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Sorry to ask gents!

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Linda

    Bet he kinda meant the metorphorical "gents"... hehehehe

    Happy Surfing!!!

    metorphorical gents! hummm, is that like peeing up a tree at an offroad site?

    Bwahahaha, how did I miss this thread? Good spot Helen! Gents my arse! Billy obviously ain't met anyone from here yet?

    4x4toys.co.uk - Keeping you on and off the road...


    • #17
      For the record Helen, I immediately spotted your well placed double entendre and was poised to pounce on it before you were forced to explain yourself!!

      You can't beat a good old inuendo I always say (to the Vicar),there's not nearly enough on this forum for my liking. All that wasted talk of "big ends" and "nipple greasing"....sheesh, what's the world coming to?!!

      '92 2.4TD SSR-X AUTO
      "You Sir are drunk!"
      "Ahh yes Madam, but you are ugly and in the morning I shall be sober."


      • #18
        Originally posted by Helen
        Uhuh..... to talk out of ........

        I really should go and do some work...
        i'm the only one that doesn't keep my brain in my pants...
        cos it aint big, and it aint clever!
        nee nar nee nar, i'm a fire engine!


        • #19
          Helen no offence meant and I am sure there is none taken!!!! Just looked at most of the posts and they were from men...should have looked closer.

          I am sure you know your stuff and thanks for the reply.

          As for the rest of the posts cheers for your help. I will probably do a lot of searching this week and find some useful info. Absolute begineer with 4x4's though...used to sports cars and wanted a change....

          Might try and make one of your get togethers...do you know where they are held? Living in Kent at the moment...unfotunately!!!!!!


          • #20
            Oh dear, you lot are soooo bad....

            Just wait 'til I get my pinnie off.....

            I don't know a damn thing, only what I've picked up from this fab forum!Am looking forward to meeting anyone who is going to Reading... fell like I know you already...

            Am still twisting Tom's arm, he says he doesn't want to take a chance on bending the beastie coz he can't afford to fix it... as it's his only form of transport I can't blame him.

            Have a good day all....

            Had enough... going to live in Spain....


            • #21
              Originally posted by Big Billy G
              Helen no offence meant and I am sure there is none taken!!!! Just looked at most of the posts and they were from men...should have looked closer.

              I am sure you know your stuff and thanks for the reply.

              As for the rest of the posts cheers for your help. I will probably do a lot of searching this week and find some useful info. Absolute begineer with 4x4's though...used to sports cars and wanted a change....

              Might try and make one of your get togethers...do you know where they are held? Living in Kent at the moment...unfotunately!!!!!!
              Billy - have a look at the Off Road sections on this board. We always post out meets there. Next one is a good beginers site this Sunday Near Reading, (M4 J11) then the 14th March At Devils Pit Nr Luton.

              PS. I'm a female too!!!



              • #22
                Originally posted by Helen
                Am looking forward to meeting anyone who is going to Reading... fell like I know you already...

                Am still twisting Tom's arm, he says he doesn't want to take a chance on bending the beastie coz he can't afford to fix it... as it's his only form of transport I can't blame him.

                Have a good day all....

                Helen - If Tom's worried tell him you're just gonna grab rides round in our cars to see if its safe enough for his... once he's there no way he'll be able to resist having a go..... and it's a good site to start with...



                • #23
                  Linda, that's what I tried to tell him....

                  Do you have a boring job like mine that gives you plent internet time??
                  I can't use my home pc. I don't have broadband, not worth it for the amount of time I use internet at home, but I gave it a go as I wanted Tom to see this site... took 40 minutes to get to ISP, get to this site, open general forum and view msg... (office pc takes 40 seconds!!)

                  Tom had finished cooking dinner by that time so I gave up...

                  Glad I saw the thread about Tiscali, was thinking of using them.... won't now...

                  Had enough... going to live in Spain....


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Helen
                    Linda, that's what I tried to tell him....

                    Do you have a boring job like mine that gives you plent internet time??
                    I can't use my home pc. I don't have broadband, not worth it for the amount of time I use internet at home, but I gave it a go as I wanted Tom to see this site... took 40 minutes to get to ISP, get to this site, open general forum and view msg... (office pc takes 40 seconds!!)

                    Tom had finished cooking dinner by that time so I gave up...

                    Glad I saw the thread about Tiscali, was thinking of using them.... won't now...

                    Hehehe - yep - got it in one... check your PM's..



